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Separate the Hype from the Reality of Generative AI

Rare is the university not wading into the world of AI—but what's hype, what's real, and what's potentially differentiating? In this session, join EAB's senior research adviser David Attis as…

Near-Term Strategies to Combat Transfer Decline

This blog details four quick-win strategies that can help you clean up your transfer student journey.
Enrollment Blog

How universities equip stakeholders to build a culture of campus well-being with in-the-moment resources

Learn how institutions are increasingly equipping faculty, staff, and students with resources that support campus wellbeing.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Professional and Adult Education Social Media Toolkit

This toolkit contains 12 tools to support PCO units in developing a formal social media strategy, creating content, and gauging ROI.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services

Respectful Workplace Policy Builder for Higher Ed

Use this resource to inform, write, and plan to implement your respectful workplace policy for your college or university employees.
Strategic Advisory Services
Insight Paper

Recruiting ‘Gen P’

This report offers guidance for enrollment leaders on the mindset of “Gen P,” or the students whose college-going behaviors have been influenced by their experiences during the pandemic.
Resource Center

Supporting Chronically Absent Students Resource Center

This resource center outlines three conditions to mitigate chronic absenteeism by supporting students in returning to school.
District Leadership Forum

Creating and implementing sustainability and climate action plans

This blog shares the highlights of a recent discussion with chief sustainability officers on their experiences with creating and implementing sustainability and climate action plans.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

DLF | EAB’s Nationwide Collaborative to Raise Teacher Morale Cohort Five

Too often, best practices exist as theoretical ideals that are showcased at conferences, but rarely scaled in schools. EAB Collaboratives are designed to change that narrative, guiding cohorts of district…

Addressing Student Loneliness and Disconnection: Enhancing Student Belongingness at Your Institution

Through research and conversations with university leaders, EAB identified five components of belonging. This presentation will provide a glimpse into each of the five components with best practices and rationale…