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Research Report

Optimize Financial Aid to Shape Your Independent School’s Student Body

Most independent schools do not fully utilize financial aid as a lever to help shape their classes. This brief outlines how independent K-12 schools can employ aid as a tool…
Independent School Executive Forum

Charting a Course through COVID-19 for Advancement Leaders

The arrival of COVID-19 turned everything we thought we knew about advancement on its head in the blink of an eye. This webinar provides guidance on mitigating the impact of…
Resource Center

Leverage Financial Aid to Advance Your Independent School’s Mission

In 2020 many independent schools are reexamining their approach to financial aid, largely driven by both the COVID-19 pandemic and the nation’s reckoning with racial justice. EAB has identified two…
Independent School Executive Forum

Serving the Students of the Pandemic

Attendees will gain critical insight into how the pandemic has affected current and future student populations as well as best practice recommendations.

Q&A: Why one university brought data strategy into the cabinet

Read the Q&A with Jason Browning, Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness at Dixie State University to learn how DSU elevated their campus data strategy through campus partnerships.

Motivate Disengaged Students in Virtual Instruction

Student motivation is usually lower in a virtual setting than in person. This short video corrects common misconceptions about student motivation and provides 5 easy-to-implement strategies that are proven to…
District Leadership Forum

What Liberal Arts Colleges Can Do to Stay Relevant

Denison University President Adam Weinberg joins the podcast to discuss the relevance and evolving role of liberal arts institutions in an era of increased specialization.

Create a student-centric user experience on your college website

Discover key principles for your website's navigation that will improve the experience for prospective students—whether they are just starting to explore your website, researching your institution's offerings, or beginning the…
Press Release

Milwaukee Area Colleges Commit to National “Moon Shot for Equity”

EAB launches initiative to erase equity gaps in college completion for underserved student populations

Meet the Unprecedented Demand for Mental Health Care in Schools

This year, K-12 schools are expecting to see a surge in the number of students and staff requiring additional support for their mental health care. Follow the steps in this…
District Leadership Forum