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Partner Service

Achieve Your People and Workplace Culture Goals with Support of an EAB Presentation

Explore sample Partner Intensive topics focused on higher ed talent

EAB experts offer presentations and facilitated workshops, both virtually and in-person, that are designed to help our partners advance toward their goals. Grounded in data and best-practice research, EAB Partner Intensives are most often leveraged by our partners to help validate a need for campus change, generate buy-in and consensus from critical stakeholder groups, and even facilitate difficult but much-needed discussions among leadership teams and committees.

Sessions are typically one to two hours in length and are tailored to meet the needs of your campus. Audiences may include cabinets, human resource leaders, or unit and division leaders, depending on the topic and your specific objectives.

View sample presentation and workshop topics within our people and workplace culture research terrain below. Contact [email protected] or your Strategic Leader to learn more.

Explore the topics we support

Browse the topic list and sample objectives to see the types of goals EAB can support through a virtual or in-person Partner Intensive.

Career Development and Advancement

  • Improve retention and reduce recruiting costs by hiring internally (rather than externally)
  • Strengthen internal talent pipeline for staff and source best talent you already have on campus
  • Initiate and activate succession plans
  • Identify and address roadblocks to staff development, advancement, and mobility

Employee Value Proposition

  • Learn what an employee value proposition (EVP) is, why it is critical for talent strategy, and common mistakes to avoid
  • Garner cabinet buy-in and resources for campus-wide EVP initiative and/or broader talent investments
  • Develop, test, and refine your institution’s distinct EVP

Faculty Recruitment and Retention

  • Increase and broaden faculty applicant pool
  • Improve faculty recruitment efforts
  • Implement faculty retention strategies

Flexible Work

  • Determine the right balance of remote and hybrid work
  • Learn which flexible work levers work best in which areas of administration

HR Organization and Management

  • Learn about the best structures, staffing models, and functional/service operations for HR orgs
  • Identify performance metrics and infrastructure investments to advance talent goals

Inclusive Workplace Climate

  • Learn how climate impacts business outcomes and understand key drivers of climate-based attrition
  • Foster a more inclusive workplace climate by combatting exclusionary behavior, decision making, and evaluation

People Analytics

  • Analyze employee data to diagnose and strengthen faculty and staff recruitment, retention, and engagement

Recruitment and Hiring

  • Adapt internal processes to increase market competitiveness and win over top-tier talent
  • Develop and advance staff across admin functions
  • Improve staff engagement and retention
  • Improve hiring strategy

Staff Compensation Strategy

  • Make the most of limited salary dollars by setting clear pay goals and prioritizing targeted (rather than across-the-board) salary adjustments

Workforce Effectiveness/Efficiency

  • Use performance management to assess your workforce’s current capabilities
  • Provide feedback for staff growth, and recognize top performers
  • Lay the groundwork for more efficient and effective workforce by scaling performance management across campus

Ready to request a Partner Intensive?

To request a virtual or in-person presentation for your campus, reach out to your Strategic Leader or [email protected]. You can also log in and fill out the form below, and we’ll follow up.