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Partner Service

Crafting an Employee Value Proposition Workshop

Request this partner intensive for best practices and facilitated discussion on how to apply the concept of Employee Value Proposition at your institution.

Colleges and universities are facing high levels of staff turnover, widespread employee disengagement, and a broader competitive set that increasingly includes out-of-sector employers. Unsurprisingly, institutions will not be able to win on salary alone.

Yet, most have not adapted their talent strategy to compete beyond just compensation and clearly explain why people should choose to work (and stay) at their institution. The mission-driven work and traditional benefits that once made higher ed compelling are now offered by many out-of-sector employers.

To help higher ed cabinets apply the concept of a compelling Employee Value Proposition (EVP) on their own campus, EAB offers a partner intensive workshop. An EAB expert will lead your senior leadership team through a series of discussions and exercises so you can create an EVP that is provably true, conveys competitive advantage, and aligns with your business goals.

Partner intensive details

Workshop objectives

This session focuses on three critical components of crafting your institution’s EVP:
  • Intangible benefits

    Classify intangible benefits that separate your institution from the competition

  • Attractor and repellant statements

    Design key attractor and repellant statements to help you recruit and retain staff

  • Strengths and opportunities

    Identify strengths to highlight and areas of under-performance to continually refine your EVP

To request this partner intensive workshop for your campus, fill out the form below or email us at [email protected]. After you submit your request, your Research Strategic Leader will follow up to confirm its receipt and next steps.