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Search Results for “reading gap”

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Creating an internal DEI scorecard for best practices

These scorecards tend to provide to the public demographic data about the makeup of the student, faculty and staff populations as well as graduation and retention data that is disaggregated…

Serving adults through their lifetime learning journey

My capstone project was focused on Goal 2: Graduate Education and Lifetime Learning, which includes a strategic imperative focused on providing robust educational offerings and delivery methods that includes baccalaureate…

How rising higher education leaders are tackling their pressing campus challenges

The 18 fellows in the 2020 Rising Higher Education Leaders Fellowship cohort tackled a wide range of issues in their capstone projects, reflecting the diversity of institutions and professional experiences…
Strategy Blog

Insights from independent school advancement teams on the impact of COVID-19

EAB surveyed independent school advancement and development leaders to get insights into the impact that the economic slowdown is having on their philanthropic returns. Read on for takeaways from the…

What contributes to rising college costs?

Many higher education institutions face increased public scrutiny around costs. In responding to critics, higher education leaders must not only bust myths about the high cost of campus amenities.

3 aid policy questions to consider amid the shift to the new Student Aid Index

See three strategic aid policy questions to consider with the new Student Aid Index. Plus, prepare a communication plan that helps you get out ahead of the questions that students…
Enrollment Blog
Research Report

How to improve career development opportunities for first-generation students

Many of the challenges associated with finding employment amid a pandemic are more acute for first-generation college students, who may already feel underprepared to navigate the career exploration process. Read…
Research Report

The Value of Diverse Schools

Studies continuously document minority students’ academic improvements when they attend schools with majority peers. However, recent literature increasingly addresses the benefits of a diverse school and classroom for all students.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Breakthrough Advances in Faculty Diversity

Helps administrators identify and implement the most effective strategies for increasing faculty diversity on their campuses.

Higher ed’s demographic future

Dr. Nathan Grawe, author of Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education, discusses his follow-up book The Agile College. He shares how COVID has impacted his forecasts plus insights from…
Student Success Blog