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Research Report

K-8 Computer Science and Engineering Programs

Learn how school districts teach, implement, and measure outcomes of computer science and engineering programs to younger students.
District Leadership Forum

Mitigate learning loss with the science of reading

There is an alarming disconnect between what scientific research recommends for reading instruction and what happens in the classroom.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Middle School Math Instruction

This report highlights impactful learning strategies and activities to identify opportunities for improving middle school math instruction.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Piloting New Curricular Programs

Our K-12 research team reviewed literature regarding best practices for piloting new curricular programs and created recommendations for success.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Wellness Curriculum Topics and Considerations

EAB reviewed literature on six areas related to student wellness at independent schools to uncover ideal content and teaching and learning strategies for each wellness topic.
Independent School Executive Forum
Research Report

Promote Algebra I Student Success

This report explores how to promote Algebra I student success with a focus on course structure, instructional practices and interventions, and professional collaboration and development.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Effective Practices for Aligning Pre-K Through Third Grade

Aligned P-3 learning programs can narrow achievement gaps and reduce the potential for learning loss within and between grade levels. This brief examines K-12 school districts’ strategies to align grades…
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

The Value of Diverse Schools

Studies continuously document minority students’ academic improvements when they attend schools with majority peers. However, recent literature increasingly addresses the benefits of a diverse school and classroom for all students.
District Leadership Forum

Independent School Student and Family Retention Strategies Compendium

In order to retain enrollments amid the COVID-19 pandemic, independent schools will need to be clear about what they can provide to students and families outside of face-to-face learning. To…

How connecting with families now supports retention for fall 2020

For independent schools, it is critically important to engage families in conversations about their experience, concerns, and needs right now, as these discussions may impact their decision to re-enroll.