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Resource Center

Student Experience and Well-being Resource Center

Explore our resources on student success and retention, mental health, financial support, student belonging, activism, and experiential learning,
Strategic Advisory Services
Partner Service

Student Mental Health & Well-Being Collaborative

Participate in EAB’s Student Mental Mental Health & Well-Being Collaborative to make progress on student well-being initiatives through a series of guided workshops with peers.

How colleges can combat student disengagement and increase socioemotional readiness

Student mental health, while far from a new challenge, is impacting students’ ability to succeed and thrive in college in the wake of Covid-19.
Student Success Blog

Are You Ready for More Campus Protests?

Experts discuss recent campus protests and offer tips to university leaders on how to prepare for more student unrest this fall.

Why districts should revise grading practices in the age of AI

Read this blog to learn three reasons equitable grading practices are essential today, and how to revise grading practices in the age of AI.
K-12 District Leadership Blog
Resource Center

Creating Conditions for Positive Student Behavior Resource Center

Use the student behavior resource center to enhance your existing behavior management approach or identify new practices to help students thrive.
District Leadership Forum

Improve Social-Emotional and Behavioral Skills Support to Students in Your District

Use these resources to help provide students with opportunities to develop the social-emotional and behavioral skills they need to thrive.
District Leadership Forum

Improve Your District or School’s Approach to Physical and Psychological Safety

Use these resources to help improve your district’s approach to physical and psychological safety, including bullying and discipline protocols.
District Leadership Forum
Partner Service

Virtual Student Services Website Audit

This audit will help higher education leaders bring the virtual experience for student services out of the pandemic era and into a more hybrid future.
Partner Service

Bring an EAB Presentation on Student Experience and Well-Being to Your Campus

Explore sample Partner Intensive topics focused on student experience