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IT Breach Preparation and Response Toolkit

Resources for Effective Planning and Mitigation

This toolkit provides guidance on preparation and planning steps to help lay the groundwork for effective breach response. Use the advice and templates here to:

  • Expedite breach response
  • Reduce cost of both breach and response
  • Minimize risk to your institution if a breach occurs
  • Protect your institution’s reputation

Access the complete toolkit

Either download the complete toolkit—or continue reading to select the stages and related artifacts that interest you most.

Stage 1: Systems and workflow

This section of the toolkit explains how to develop a consistent workflow to triage incidents and outlines the responsibilities of the incident response leader.

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Related artifact

 The University of Iowa’s Incident Response Team’s Workflow

Stage 2: Mobilizing response

This section of the toolkit outlines immediate steps for mobilizing response and collecting information and offers a framework for escalating the incident within the response team.

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Related artifacts

 Indiana University’s Templates for Breach Reporting and Response

 Guidelines for a Comprehensive Listing of Incident Roles

Stage 3: Breach notification

Use this section of the toolkit when deciding which authorities and constituents to notify of a data breach and developing a communication plan.

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Related artifacts

 Experian’s Preparedness Plan Audit and Breach Vendor Contact Cards

 University of Indiana’s Press Release

 University of California at Irvine’s Sample Notification Letter

Stage 4: Resolution and analysis

This section of the toolkit outlines key performance indicators of effective response and explains how to build new threat indicators into future planning.

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Related artifact

 The Ponemon Institute’s 2014 Survey on Cyber Security Issues

Learn more about the data-driven enterprise

Our research into data-driven decision-making in higher education has surfaced three key elements that can help institutions get from A-to-B on business intelligence. To learn more about these elements, read our related blog post.

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