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Boost Students’ Schoolwide and Classroom Engagement

This tool is part of the Creating Conditions for Positive Student Behavior Resource Center. Visit the resource center and access our full diagnostic to identify opportunities for improvement and explore additional tools for your district.

Use the resources in this toolkit to help school leaders and teachers improve students’ schoolwide and classroom engagement with research-backed cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement strategies. These strategies help educators create effective classroom environments by providing students with consistent autonomy, incentives, and relevant learning materials to keep them motivated to behave positively.

Resources to improve student engagement

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    Supporting Schoolwide Engagement

    Use the tools in this resource if you responded neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree with any of the following statements:


    • Our school provides and/or connects students with opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities (e.g., band, choir, recreational sports) and clubs aligned with their interests.
    • Teachers and/or staff at my school ensure learning is connected to students’ goals outside of school (e.g., careers, hobbies).
    • Our school provides opportunities for all students to participate in schoolwide committees, councils, or listening groups that contribute to decision-making on behalf of the school community.


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    Improving Classroom Engagement

    Use the tools in this resource if you responded neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree with any of the following statements:


    • Teachers and/or staff at my school consistently and clearly state classroom rules/expectations that students across grade levels/classrooms can articulate and implement.
    • Teachers and/or staff at my school offer opportunities for students to provide input on classroom rules and expectations.
    • Teachers and/or staff at my school provide opportunities for students to regularly ask questions and share opinions during academic lessons.
    • Teachers and/or staff at my school offer regular (i.e., weekly) multi-sensory, multi-modal, or hands-on components to academic lessons (e.g., incorporate smell and sound, lab experiments, including both auditory and visual elements).
    • Teachers and/or staff at my school provide students with incentives for positive behavior (e.g., recognition/praise, token system).


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    Promoting Inclusivity

    Use the tools in this resource if you responded neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree with any of the following statements:


    • Teachers and/or staff at my school use classroom materials (e.g., lessons, books, worksheets) that accurately reflect students’ identities, experiences, and lives.
    • Teachers and/or staff at my school design academic lessons that are reflective of and relevant to students’ lived experiences.
    • Teachers and/or staff at my school ensure learning is connected to students’ goals outside of school (e.g., careers, hobbies).


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