Explore our library of toolkits for Navigate360 and Strategic Advisory Services for Community Colleges members.
Developing Proactive Outreach Plans
Reach out to help students avoid common pitfalls
Consistent advisor outreach is an proven method to support student students in need of supplemental attention. This toolkit is essential to create and run a proactive outreach plan that will keep students on their path and connected to available resources.
Eliminating Enrollment Pain Points
Tools for implementation
Students struggle to navigate from application to the first day of classes, encountering obstacles that prevent them from ever setting foot in the classroom. This toolkit will help streamline your enrollment process.
Preventing Early Attrition Implementation Toolkit
11 tools to promote student persistence
The typical new community college student has little time and only fragmented support when making academic and financial aid decisions at intake. This toolkit will help you improve student pathing from application through the first year.
Student Success Implementation Toolkit
11 tools to achieve sustainable campus-wide change
Community college leaders recognize that they need to make changes to meet ambitious completion goals, and that faculty can and should play a large role in student success efforts. This toolkit will help you partner with faculty to get to the next phase of student success at community colleges.
This resource requires EAB partnership access to view.
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Learn how you can get access to this resource as well as hands-on support from our experts through Strategic Advisory Services for Community Colleges.
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