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147 results based on your search


Understanding the Needs and Motivations of Working Professional Student Segments

Take a closer look at the different needs and motivations of working professional segments reveals opportunities for COE units to innovate program design and strengthen your portfolio in this infographic.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services

Navigating the Student Journey with Experiential Course Maps

Enhance the student journey by clearly laying out how academic and co-curricular opportunities fit together in an experiential course map. Discover the four common components required in an experiential course…
Professional and Academic Services Forum

Student Activism Across the Past 5 Years

Discover key trends in student activism, diving into data related to racial justice, politics, and COVID-19 response in this interactive infographic.
Strategic Advisory Services

How to improve your emotional support animal process

Institutions are committed to facilitating access to all students, but emotional support animal accommodations can be complex. This infographic identifies some tactics to improve your emotional support animal process on…

10 Trends to Guide University Leaders in Growing Industry Partnerships

Discover ten trends universities should keep in mind to better understand industry’s needs and create compelling opportunities that attract new corporate sponsors in this infographic.
Strategic Advisory Services

3 important reminders to students when applying for financial aid

To make informed college decisions, it’s imperative that families know how much aid they’re eligible for when applying for financial aid.

4 Key Components of Effective Research Websites

We audited the research websites of 50 randomly selected research institutions and found that on average, universities utilize only 5.5 of 14 critical website features.

How to write better, right now

It's not enough to have great ideas—you also have to express them effectively. This infographic offers a few tips and tricks to help.

How must we evolve to remain relevant to the student of tomorrow?

Learn 10 ways colleges and universities can prepare for the student of the future.
Strategic Advisory Services

How to be data-informed

"Data-informed" may be the business buzzword of the century thus far. Today, your student success initiatives, strategic decisions, and even your academic program decisions are all expected to be data-informed.