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209 results based on your search


Will Biden’s American Rescue Plan Help Rebuild Higher Education?

Three EAB experts sort out the details of the latest federal stimulus package and share tips to help higher education leaders maximize the impact of these funds for the betterment…

Lessons Learned from Houston GPS on Closing Equity Gaps

EAB’s Tom Sugar talks to Paula Short from the University of Houston about lessons they learned launching Houston GPS together. They also talk about how they are applying those lessons…

How to Capture Growth Opportunities in the Graduate Degree Market

EAB’s Megan Adams and Will Lamb discuss growth opportunities and the competitive landscape in the master’s and graduate degree market.

Crisis Response Lessons from Mount Saint Mary’s University

EAB’s Mark Shreve joins Dr. Ann McElaney-Johnson, president of Mount Saint Mary’s University in Los Angeles, to talk about the value of small colleges and how a recent crisis helped…

Yield Your Class During a Time of Uncertainty

Madeleine Rhyneer joins Carla Hickman to discuss challenges colleges face in meeting fall enrollment targets and offer strategies for yielding your class during a time of uncertainty.

The Best (and Worst) COVID-19 Crisis Communications

EAB’s Kaitlyn Maloney and Michael Fischer discuss how colleges and universities have handled crisis communications during the pandemic.

4 Unique Leadership Challenges Posed by the Pandemic

In part one of this two-part discussion, EAB experts share four reasons why the coronavirus pandemic is a different type of crisis than any faced by higher ed before—and discuss…

Is Your University Headed for a Merger (or Worse)?

Experts discuss options available to university leaders who are running out of time to reverse the fortunes of their struggling institutions.

How the Student Readiness Gap Is Impacting Colleges and Employers

Experts discuss how declining student readiness is impacting every level of the US education system and is even beginning to bleed into the workforce.
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