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Is your institution ‘Gen P’ ready?

Read this blog for five key insights and recommendations for recruiting Gen P and ensuring Gen P’s success in higher education.
Student Success Blog

Americans’ trust in higher ed has reached a new low. Here’s how to navigate the ongoing confidence crisis.

Gallup’s most recent poll revealed the majority of Americans do not have a lot of confidence in higher education. Higher ed leaders need to take action towards this confidence crisis…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Attack of the “Math Shark”: Why Unfinished Learning Is a Lurking Threat to Student Success in the Late 2020s

Recent middle school testing data shows us that we have a big problem lurking below the surface, an imminent yet largely underrecognized threat slowly swimming its way across the mid-2020s.
Student Success Blog
Partner Service

How Deans Can Help Combat Burnout and Support Faculty Well-Being

Request our partner intensive for a deep dive on how to mitigate faculty burnout with an EAB research expert.

What does “student success” really mean?

What does student success mean today? To understand how we can better help students achieve success, I asked four of my colleagues to weigh in.
Student Success Blog

Microcredential Proposal and Evaluation Template

To avoid developing microcredentials that are not financially viable, use the two tools in this toolkit to make more market-driven assessments of proposed offerings.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services

4 AI priorities for enrollment leaders

This blog shares steps enrollment leaders should be taking to benefit from generative AI while mitigating its risks.
Enrollment Blog

How a VPEM drove progress toward a data-informed campus

As a Strategic Leader with EAB’s Edify, I have the opportunity to work closely with our partners in furthering their data and analytics goals. One recent example of this collaboration…
Data & Analytics Blog

How dual enrollment can combat enrollment declines

Since 2020, enrollment at community colleges has declined 5.4 percent, which has prompted institutions to reflect on practices that impact student success and on barriers students face in their pursuit…
Community College Blog
Partner Story

How a Military College Grew and Diversified Their Class Over the Last Decade

Norwich University, a small, private college in Vermont aims to serve two general populations: traditional degree-seekers and military cadets.

By increasing engagement with Appily, Intersect, and College Greenlight, Norwich not…