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12 results based on your search


What could virtual reality mean for higher ed?

Learn four key lessons and ponder questions raised from the Presidential Experience Lab on what virtual reality might mean for higher ed.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Scale Experiential Learning and Career Development

Today’s universities are under increasing public pressure to provide career preparation and support economic mobility. Learn how to create more opportunities for applied learning and help students translate between an…
Strategic Advisory Services

High School Indicators of Postsecondary Success

Standardized test scores don't always indicate a student's college readiness. This resource can help set expectations to ensure postsecondary success.

How to build an experiential major map

Use this infographic to learn about the four key elements for designing experiential major maps that can help students pick courses.
Strategic Advisory Services
Partner Service

Experiential Major Maps Collaborative for University Deans

EAB’s Experiential Major Maps Collaborative will help you scale the experience of your most engaged students through structured pathways available to all.

Want to create flexible experiential learning opportunities for online students? Here's how.

One way for enrollment leaders to set online programs apart is through well-designed experiential learning components. Use these three tactics to create flexible experiential learning opportunities in your online programs.
Adult Education Blog
Research Report

Integrating Academic and Career Development Study

Growing public concern about the return on investment (ROI) associated with higher education has created pressure for both public and private institutions to assume greater responsibility for students’ post-graduation outcomes.…
Strategic Advisory Services

Enhance the Student Experience and Career Readiness with Course and Major Maps

To prepare students for careers and postgraduate studies it is important to align academic requirements with co-curricular opportunities. Discover the resources needed to support the creation and deployment of experiential…
Strategic Advisory Services
Resource Center

Remote Instruction Resource Center

Here you’ll find resources to support remote instruction across different types and sizes of courses, guidelines for maintaining equity and accessibility, and strategic frameworks to guide your next phases of…
Strategic Advisory Services
Resource Center

Higher Education Professional Development Resource Center

During this time, as several in-person conferences cancel or delay and staff are remote, it is more critical than ever to provide opportunities for flexible staff engagement and professional development.…