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292 results based on your search


Improve the Campus Visit Experience

Most students review the campus visit as a top resource for making their college choice. Learn how colleges and universities can ensure that prospective students and parents have an exceptional…
Strategic Advisory Services

Crafting a Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Plan

Enrollment declines are forcing community colleges to reevaluate their current enrollment strategies. Many community college leaders have turned to strategic enrollment management (SEM) as the solution. This webconference focuses on…
Insight Paper

Evolving College Access Programs

A proliferation of college access programs fails to combat under-enrollment of underrepresented minority and low-income students. Discover how colleges and universities can increase the college-going rate of underrepresented populations through…
Strategic Advisory Services

Yield Your Class During a Time of Uncertainty

Madeleine Rhyneer joins Carla Hickman to discuss challenges colleges face in meeting fall enrollment targets and offer strategies for yielding your class during a time of uncertainty.

How to engage prospective adult learners virtually during COVID-19 and beyond

Learn how your college or university can reach and recruit prospective students of online, graduate, professional, and certificate programs virtually.
Research Report

Campus Partner Primer

It is imperative for a successful campus visit program to have support from institutional functions beyond enrollment management. EAB research identified four key campus partners to proactively and regularly engage…
Strategic Advisory Services

The Growing Complexity of Global Engagement in Higher Education Webconference

Institutions are increasingly focused on growing international engagement. In this webinar, EAB experts unpack how the changing global landscape is impacting four areas of university operations.

2 ways to jumpstart (or improve) your rural outreach efforts

We identified two tactics colleges and universities can use to start or augment their rural student strategy without investing significant resources.

How to find high-achieving rural students outside your normal pipeline

To identify rural students with the skills to succeed in higher education, enrollment leaders should to consider Career and Technical Student Organizations.