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29 results based on your search


Manage divisive conversations and prevent flashpoints in your K-12 district

Superintendents today are forced to contend with frequent, divisive issues that turn into districtwide flashpoints. Use EAB’s decision-making framework to break down your district’s flashpoints.
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Changing parents means new expectations for independent schools

EAB’s new approach for independent school parents includes rethinking which parents they invest the most time with and how they serve them. In doing so, schools can develop lasting partnerships…
K-12 District Leadership Blog

4 tips for delivering distance learning to Pre-K students

Remote learning strategies that work for older students do not translate to younger students who rely heavily on adult facilitation and cannot pay attention for long periods. In addition, many…

Winning the Public Vote

Securing community support is vital to win the public vote to meet your district's needs. Success hinges on understanding community support from the outset and engaging the community through resonant…
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Are Parents Pushing Gen Z Away from Higher Ed?

As part of our research into non-consumption of higher education, EAB surveyed 150 recent high school graduates on their thoughts on higher ed.
Strategic Advisory Services

How connecting with families now supports retention for fall 2020

For independent schools, it is critically important to engage families in conversations about their experience, concerns, and needs right now, as these discussions may impact their decision to re-enroll.

Thinking of starting a crisis relief fund? Here are 9 essential considerations

When creating a relief fund there are several key considerations that schools must take into account. To help with that process, EAB has gathered examples from partner schools, and where…

How to turn your auction into a virtual event: Learn how one school did it in 48 hours

Annual spring auctions are substantial fundraising opportunities for financial assistance offices. The onset of COVID-19 has restricted such large gatherings, leaving development offices scrambling to decide how to proceed. As…

Whether Helicopter, Snowplow, or Drone, Intensive Parenting Is Here to Stay

For heads of independent schools, intensive parenting has resulted in changing parent expectations and greater demands, which often require more resources from the school to satisfy.
K-12 District Leadership Blog
Research Report

Parent and Family Affinity Groups

This study explores how the University of Alabama brings Black families together to share resources and community.
Strategic Advisory Services
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