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Search Results for “in-demand skills”

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201 results based on your search


Confer these skills to prepare your art and design students for the workforce

With job opportunities for these professionals on the rise again, what skills should your art and design programs confer to help students meet market demand? We examined job postings for…
Adult Education Blog
Resource Center

The Industry Future Series: Exploring the Next Era of Professional Programming

Discover resources that will help colleges and universities understand the most impactful ways to adjust academic programming to keep pace with technological advancements in the Digital Revolution.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services
Research Report

The Rise of Fintech

Financial technology, or fintech, is disrupting and democratizing the financial industry. This study explores fintech roles, skills, and opportunities for higher education institutions to align programs to fintech market demand.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services
Research Report

Creating T-Shaped Professionals

In "Design Thinking Business Programs" and "Second Bachelor's Degrees for Career Starters," learn about programs that equip professionals with the skills that will make them well-rounded candidates for high-demand jobs.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services
Research Report

Data Analytics: Capitalizing on Creative Disruption

This study analyzes the present and future of the rapidly evolving data analytics field and provides advice for how institutions can ensure their new and existing programs keep up with…
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services
Research Report

Health Professions Study

As health care legislation spurs demand for health professions, COE units' program portfolios must keep up.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services

Nudging Students Toward Resilient Behaviors

Review what tools institutions are using or investing in to nudge their students toward healthy copy skills.

Developing Strategic Thinking & Interpersonal Skills in School Principals

We know from decades of research that high-performing school leaders is foundational for school success. In fact, exemplar principals are the common thread that distinguishes highest performing school districts from…
District Leadership Forum

Understand Your Target Market and Validate Student and Employer Demand

This section allows you to analyze your current online and hybrid education portfolio and evaluate the student and employer demand for programs of study.
Strategic Advisory Services

Two ways to integrate professional development into the liberal arts

Liberal arts graduates possess the soft skills necessary for management in abundance, but often lack the more technical skills or deep knowledge areas to find entry-level employment. Learn how two…