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Considering Edify?

Top Questions Our Partners Ask Before Buying

Data Warehousing: Architecture and Integrations

1. What is the technical architecture of Edify? Can it really hold all of our campus’s data? How scalable is the platform to support future growth?

Edify is an enterprise-grade solution. Hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), your data is securely stored in the cloud with over 99.9% uptime. Edify ingests data from any and all of your campus systems and normalizes it via a data model designed specifically for higher education. Although this model is designed to streamline your higher education data warehousing journey, it is also flexible and extensible to support your unique data needs and any number of concurrent users.

2. How does Edify provide context and understanding about what data is in the platform?

Edify provides rich context and understanding about your data through its centralized data model and built-in metadata tools. The platform is built around a data model of 150+ entities or “super tables,” designed to align your data with common higher education reporting needs. Each entity includes a plain-language definition and default SQL transformations, making it easy to understand and use. Users can leverage these defaults, fully customize them, or create entirely new ones to meet specific needs. The data model is fully transparent.

Edify also features a comprehensive data catalog that houses metadata for all data in the platform, offering detailed descriptions of tables, fields, and keys. The data catalog displays direct links to dashboards, insights, and reports, navigating users to visualizations and analyses that enhance decision making. Paired with data lineage tools that visually map how data flows downstream, Edify enables users to understand data dependencies and the impact of changes. These tools empower users to explore, understand, and act on their data with confidence, unlocking insights that are otherwise difficult to uncover in traditional systems.

Together, the metadata and business definitions defined and stored within Edify create a semantic data layer that standardizes how data is described, stored, and accessed. This provides data users with a consistent framework for contextualizing and understanding data without needing deep technical expertise.

3. How does Edify leverage AI to improve warehousing?

Edify’s suite of AI features—including Query Assist, Data Search Assist, and SQL Explainer—helps your team work more efficiently. Edify AI acts as a semantic layer, a bridge between complex data and campus data users. It allows users to:

  • Ask questions and get clear insights from data anywhere in the platform
  • Review explanations of SQL code in plain language
  • Use plain language prompts to generate robust, SQL-based reports in a matter of seconds

Connect with our team now to see a demo of our AI features.

4. What systems does Edify integrate with? Are there any restrictions?

Edify is completely system-agnostic, enabling connectivity with any solution that provides industry-standard connection points.

Edify provides a library of 15+ out-of-the-box connectors to nearly every commonly used source system in higher education, as well as customizable transformation logic to accelerate the creation of your data. Using default connectors, we can extract the data in a matter of hours.

Sample connectors include:

Sample Solution Access Type Hosting Type System Type
Banner Oracle On-Premise SIS
Slate SQL Server Cloud CRM
PeopleSoft SQL Server On-Premise SIS
Blackboard Postgres On-Premise LMS
Moodle MySQL Cloud LMS
Canvas REST Cloud LMS
Workday SOAP Cloud SIS
Paycom SFTP On-Premise HR
EAB Navigate360 S3 Cloud CRM
Workday Report Backup App Cloud HR

For systems where an out-of-the-box connector is not currently available, partners can self-serve to integrate that data source or work directly with EAB data engineers and architects to develop an integration approach that fits within the centralized data model and the constraints of the source system.

5. Do partners control their own integrations? Or are partner institutions dependent on EAB to integrate with new systems?

Edify enables partners to utilize self-service tools for integrations, report-building, analytics, and more. Our teams are available to assist with integrations via professional service hours. During a typical implementation, EAB data teams will establish the integrations to a partner’s SIS, LMS, CRM, and ERP within the first 10 days of receiving access to these systems.

Data Governance: Integrity, Control, Security, and Accuracy

6. What data governance tools are available for managing data quality, consistency, and accuracy?

Data governance requires ongoing coordination of people, technology, and processes. Edify helps you plan, implement, and sustain your institutional data governance efforts, providing the technology, personalized support, and best practices needed to create a resilient data governance infrastructure. Edify’s data governance tools include:

  • Data catalog, complete with data dictionary and business glossary
  • Metadata editor and SQL editor
  • Data lineage with visualization tools
  • Data quality monitoring, profiling, validation, and deduplication
  • Data harmonization and entity assignment

7. How does Edify leverage AI to improve data governance?

Users can leverage Edify’s AI-powered Data Search Assist feature to ask questions in plain language about the content, location, structure, and meaning of data stored in Edify and receive easy-to-understand responses back.

8. Are we dependent on EAB to help us manage our data governance tools and policies or can we own these ourselves?

While partners are empowered to manage their own data governance efforts, your EAB teams will also be on hand to assist you in establishing data governance best practices across your many campus or system stakeholders.

9. How does Edify ensure sensitive student and staff data are protected?

Edify provides row-level security and role-based permissions to govern access broadly while ensuring that data is restricted only to those with appropriate permissions to view it. Permissions govern what actions and which APIs users can interact with throughout the application. Examples of configurable permissions include feature permissions, data access permissions, and administrative permissions (the authority to configure and manage critical aspects of the Edify system).

Additionally, EAB is in compliance with FERPA and GDPR practices and requirements. Please visit our Trust Center for more details.

Reporting and Analytics

10. Are Edify reports and analytics customizable? Are there out-of-the-box options as well? What about common compliance reports?

Edify empowers institutions with advanced higher education analytics capabilities, including self-service analytics options to support your institution’s decision-making and templatized compliance reporting to make submissions quick and easy.

In addition to self-service options, Edify Accelerators are analytic workspaces developed from EAB’s research and experience working with thousands of colleges and universities. Accelerators are templatized to contain custom-configured dashboards comprised of flexible multi-source analytics. All Accelerators are created using SQL and can be customized, including variables and field names, extensively as needed.

Sample Edify Accelerators for which templates are available include Strategic Enrollment Management Dashboards, Course Success Dashboards, Fiscal Resilience Dashboards, and more. Learn more about Edify Accelerators here.

11. Can Edify integrate with existing BI tools that we use?

Yes. Edify can deliver data to external destinations or third-party BI tools if desired (such as Tableau, PowerBI, and others).

12. How does Edify leverage AI to improve reporting and analytics?

All three of Edify’s AI features play a role in making Edify reporting and analytics easier for users. With Edify’s Query Assist, users ask plain-language questions: for example, “write me a report that shows the average section fill rates in the Math department across the last 4 terms and isolate for 200 level courses.” The generative AI will instantly return a draft of executable SQL code that will retrieve the data.

While reviewing reports or analytic workspaces, users of any technical ability can leverage the AI Data Search assist to ask questions about the data they see including what source the data comes from, the content or structure of the data, and how the data is defined. Users receive easy-to-understand answers with guidance on where to dig deeper if interested.

And lastly, the SQL Explainer helps users understand the code that generates a report—making any future SQL updates that much faster.

Implementation and Support Services

13. How long does an Edify implementation take?

Edify is an out-of-the-box solution that is both turnkey and completely customizable. Partners do not need to wait months or years for the platform to go live. EAB can stand up the core platform in as few as 10 days and establish integrations with core source systems in as little as two weeks after gaining access. This equips partners with the ability to access Edify and analyze raw data from core source systems rapidly.

14. What support is provided during implementation? What about ongoing support?

Following the initial application setup, EAB will customize and tailor Edify to your specifications and needs, integrating source systems, building out your core data model, validating data, and ultimately supporting the development of analytic deliverables for decision makers. We do this through an agile, iterative series of 6-to-8-week sprints, which we call Professional Service Projects.

Integration and analytics templates for common sources and use cases allow EAB to expand the core model and platform iteratively, enabling new features, data, and analytics tuned to your specific needs.

15. How long does it take for a staff member to be trained on using Edify?

The Edify partnership includes extensive training and documentation to ensure that all users are fully equipped to use and maintain all aspects of the system, including custom-developed extensions provided through Professional Services engagements.

Trainings include self-paced written and video training modules on all core platform features and functionality, an initial Platform Onboarding Training Intensive focused on core platform features and functionality, Office Hours, custom training at the end of each Professional Services project, and ongoing engagements with data management best practices, peer networking opportunities, webinars, and more.

Value and ROI

16. How does Edify accelerate our data management efforts?

As an Edify partner, institutions can expect to execute on the following objectives (and many more):

  • Unite and harmonize data from all desired software platforms, databases, and files—including your SIS, LMS, CRM, and ERP
  • Establish a single source of truth to eliminate “that number doesn’t match” debates and respond to requests with more speed and confidence
  • Implement strong, sustainable data governance, create and enforce role-based access permissions, and define data terms in an easy-to-search data dictionary and business glossary
  • Minimize time spent on compliance reporting and move from descriptive to predictive analytics without a significant barrier to entry
  • Deploy self-service analytics and reporting tools to reduce ad-hoc requests and increase IT and IR bandwidth for higher order work and deeper analysis

17. What kind of results do Edify partners see in the first year?

Edify partners see improvements across a variety of metrics from staff efficiency (hundreds of hours saved) to dollars saved or reallocated ($115K+ in year-one cost savings) to improved student success and enrollment outcomes (3% reduction in summer melt).

Explore Edify case studies to learn more about the types of results our partners achieve.



18. How does pricing work for Edify?

Edify’s cost structure contains two components in our pricing model:

  • Annual Platform Fee: Includes storage, continuous maintenance/hosting, all necessary computing and network bandwidth, upgrades made available to the technology, and a dedicated team of three strategic leaders to guide all aspects of the partnership
  • Professional Service Hours: Change management, enabling integrations, data strategy, data science, project management, and analytics support.

Connect with our team to learn more about pricing.

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