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Microcredentials: Understanding Financial Viability, Stackability, and Leveraging Employer Partnerships

This event is intended for regional private and public comprehensive institutions.

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Join us for a roundtable discussion to learn more about effectively leveraging microcredentials. Amidst the pressure to stand up new microcredential offerings, academic leaders should prioritize financial sustainability to ensure that they meet their financial goals in this chaotic space, whether seeking to use microcredentials as a revenue stream or just looking to break even while achieving mission-driven goals.


In this roundtable, we will examine the current microcredentials landscape, profile tactics to ensure that microcredential offerings are aligned to market demand before launch, and share approaches to ongoing assessment of microcredential performance. We will also profile strategies to ensure that your microcredential programs simultaneously meet the needs of your university, the needs of students, and the needs of employers. We will share models for stackable microcredentials, academic policy changes necessary to support stackability, and ways institutions have successfully partnered with employers on microcredential efforts.

Click the Register button to sign up for the session. This session is best suited for provosts and deans or equivalent. Registration is limited to two attendees per institution.

  • Thursday, March 7, 2024 | 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Experts associated with this event

EAB Experts

Logan Morris

Associate Director

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Savon Sampson

Savon Sampson

Managing Director, Research Partner Success

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