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Strategies to Attract External Superstars – Special Session for Deans

Part One: How to Grow the Research Enterprise by Attracting and Cultivating Top Faculty

Thursday, Sep 12, 2024, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM ET

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Recruiting top research and faculty talent can expedite expenditure growth and boost an institution’s reputation. However, it’s often prohibitively expensive and when done poorly, can create a toxic culture among existing faculty. Investing in developing stars helps grow an institution’s research “base” and network of collaborators needed to attract other stars. But, it doesn’t always yield desired growth goals and rising stars often get “poached” by other better resourced schools.

To grow research expenditures quickly, significantly, and sustainably, institutions must both attract external superstars and cultivate existing faculty.

In this special two part series for Deans, join EAB experts to learn about major trends in research funding, greater competition for grants, and common barriers to successfully attract and develop superstar researchers. Participants will leave both sessions with practical strategies to tackle the challenges of recruiting and cultivating top talent.

The first session will focus on strategies to attract external superstars to grow research expenditures, outlining four lessons to help identify, fund, and pitch to these stars. Click the Register button to secure your spot.

Learn more about the investments institutions must make to develop existing faculty and build a pipeline of future stars for sustained growth in Part Two of the series here.


Attendance is limited to Deans

  • Thursday, September 12, 2024 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time

Experts associated with this event

EAB Experts

Jon Barnhart

Director, Research Advisory Services

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