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The art of focused feedback

Faculty are often not used to receiving frequent feedback and classroom observers or coaches do not always provide the most detailed, useful feedback. Use the FOCUS feedback method to provide faculty with observations that are quick, clear, and actionable to improve their professional practice.

This infographic illustrates five components of meaningful feedback. Download this infographic and share with faculty and coaches to create a common set of expectations around feedback content and delivery.


Download the Infographic

More Resources

Research Report

Initiating an Employee Childcare Program

This research brief outlines how four profiled districts planned, established, and operate childcare centers for children of district…
District Leadership Forum
Resource Center

Independent School Faculty Morale Resource Center

Low faculty morale isn’t inevitable. EAB has uncovered outlier organizations across industries that dramatically improved employee morale despite…
Independent School Executive Forum

Teacher Morale-Booster Compendium

This toolkit outlines six threat areas to teacher morale and provides strategies district leaders can implement to combat…
District Leadership Forum