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Student Success Implementation Toolkit

The toolkit contains a combined 11 worksheets, checklists, templates, and more to get to the next phase of student success at community colleges.

Contrary to countless efforts made across institution levels, the six-year graduation rate at community colleges is stagnant below 30% nationwide. Community college leaders recognize change is inevitable to meet ambitious completion goals, and that faculty can and should play a large role in student success efforts.

This toolkit—a supplement to our related study—will help you partner with faculty to get to the next phase of student success at community colleges.

The toolkit contains a combined 11 worksheets, checklists, templates, and more. You can either download the full toolkit or each tool individually.

Tool 1: S.M.A.R.T. Goals RubricTool 2: Sample Administrative ScorecardTool 3: Cascaded S.M.A.R.T. Goals WorksheetTool 4: Course Data Interpretation WorksheetTool 5: Course Success Intervention ChecklistTool 6: Faculty-Friendly Early Alert ChecklistTool 7: Early Reporting CalendarTool 8: Early Reporting Campaign Email SampleTool 9: Volunteer Call-to-Action Email TemplateTool 10: Initiative Proposal Worksheet TemplateTool 11: Initiative Sunsetting Worksheet Template Tool 1: S.M.A.R.T. Goals Rubric

Community college strategic plans include a number of top goals and priorities that senior leaders wish to achieve. However, these goals often lack clear definitions, implementation steps, and success metrics. EAB recommends that community college leaders consider the S.M.A.R.T. goal framework when outlining campus-wide goals. S.M.A.R.T. goals are defined as specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Use this framework to ensure that goals can be acted upon in a strategic manner. Access the tool.

Tool 2: Sample Administrative Scorecards

Goals outlined in community college strategic plans are rarely connected to individual stakeholder’s roles and responsibilities. Consequently, stakeholders often question who is responsible for achieving…

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