To support institutions in these efforts, this toolkit offers seven tools alongside step-by-step instructions to better communicate with campus constituents. Review each tool individually or download the full toolkit below.
Senior Facilities officers (SFOs) increasingly recognize the need to better communicate with campus constituents. Whether providing more communication to customers who have submitted work orders or better signaling the impact that capital projects will have on students, faculty, and staff, transparency and customer service have become more central to the Facilities department.
While not a historic focus, institutions recognize that building out a communication plan pay dividends. To support institutions in these efforts, this toolkit offers seven tools that provide detailed, step-by-step instructions to better communicate with campus constituents. The table below outlines each tool and what it helps Facilities leaders do. The primary audience is the Facilities communication director or Facilities leader. For institutions looking to hire a communication director, see tool 7.
7 tools to improve communications with facilities
Download the Tool
Tool 1: Guide to Building Communications Strategic Plan
Use this tool to determine how and when to use specific communication channels (e.g., email, social media) to advance institutional and facilities priorities. For an editable version of this tool, download the Word document version.
Tool 2: Guide to Crafting a Social Media Policy
While this tool focuses on the establishment of a formal social media policy, EAB recommends that this policy be reviewed and updated annually to ensure it reflects changing technology, media, and campus climate. Download the tool.
Tool 3: Guide to Effective Email Communication
Standardize the format of and information shared in various emails to reduce the burden of message creation. Download the tool.
Tool 4: Guide to Establish Internal Communication Channels
Enable information flow with downward and upward communication channels between senior leadership, supervisors, and frontline staff within facilities. Download the tool.
Tool 5: Guide to Effectively Communicating Facilities Information Through Reports
Review the key components of effective communication, specifically exploring content recommendations and formatting tips and tricks to ensure the final deliverable is both concise and professional. Download the tool.
Tool 6: Considerations for Effective Poster Design and Creation
Before preparing a poster, use this tool to distill broad projects or initiatives into the key takeaways the audience needs to know. Download the tool.
Tool 7: Job Description for Facilities Communications Director
Use this job description to create a facilities communications director position and encourage applications from qualified candidates. Download the tool.
More Resources

Campus 2030: Envisioning tomorrow’s multi-modal campus

How higher ed can bridge the Facilities talent gap