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Risk Management Toolkit for Confronting Historical Legacies of Racial Oppression in Higher Ed

This toolkit helps college and university leaders determine and communicate their preparedness for addressing historical legacies of racial harm on campus.

When addressing historical ties to racial discrimination and oppression, influential stakeholders often focus on the potential risks of doing so and resist change. As a result, many college and university leaders find their actions constrained to symbolic efforts that fail to address underlying context.

Resistance to confronting historical legacies of racial oppression generally stems from procedural, institutional, or interpersonal fears.

To better understand why risk aversion acts as a major barrier to confronting historical legacies of racial oppression, EAB investigated dozens of perceived risks that pose barriers to progress and developed this toolkit to help teams determine and communicate their preparedness for transformational change.

Tools for risk assessment and treatment

The following tools provide institutional leaders with everything they need to manage their campus through change by identifying, prioritizing, and planning to mitigate potential risks.

Risk scoring framework

Multiplying likelihood, impact, and urgency delivers risk scores that allow institutions to prioritize scarce resources. Use our framework to score each risk in the register.

Risk register

Use the risk register to track risks associated with addressing your institution’s historical legacy details about these risks, and links to mitigation policies and strategies.

Treatment plan guidelines

Creating a risk treatment involves determining all of the steps needed to mitigate a potential risk, including identifying a treatment owner, laying out a detailed action plan, and identifying resources required, among other steps. Use these guidelines to develop treatment and communication plans for your top risks.

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