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Accelerate the adult degree completer’s journey to enrollment

For many enrollment leaders, recruiting adult degree completers has been a difficult nut to crack. Learn three strategies to increase enrollment of adults considering finishing their degree.
Adult Education Blog

Adult learner organizational benchmarks

Discover industry organizational benchmarks and compare against your own completed asssessment responses. Use the industry-wide data and resources to inform your graduate, online, and adult degree completer growth strategy.
Research Report

Community College Market Strategy Review

Many community colleges are concerned about how COVID-19 has destabilized their enrollment outlook. Learn about getting a one-on-one consultation with an EAB enrollment expert who will evaluate your college’s enrollment…

Competency-Based Hiring Toolkit for University Advancement Leaders

Use the competency-based hiring to identify qualified transferable-skills candidates and attract them to your open positions.
Advancement Advisory Services

The Promise and Perils of COVID-19 Testing on College Campuses

A senior representative from Quest Diagnostics discusses the current state of COVID-19 testing on college campuses, explains why testing protocols vary so widely, and offers a glimpse of new and…

Enhance First Year Onboarding and Success at Community Colleges

Despite efforts to improve customer service and create more welcoming environments, community colleges still require students to navigate complex processes and policies when it comes to admissions and onboarding. Follow…
Strategic Advisory Services for Community Colleges

3 ways to vet academic programs when labor market data isn’t enough

Here are three ways to review the viability of a new or existing graduate, adult, and online program, beyond labor market intelligence.

Chancellor Tim White saw the fall term unfolding—and made a call in May

Timothy P. White, Chancellor of the California State University system, explains the values that guided his decision to move education online this fall, how his campuses are addressing the pandemic’s…

College Athletics in the Time of COVID-19

University of Kentucky officials discuss the return of college athletics and share what the new normal looks like on the UK campus.

How to create a more flexible admin workforce to contain costs and respond to evolving operational demands

Here are three tactics from our 2014 study on Bending the Administrative Labor Cost Curve that leaders can implement now to help slow labor cost growth over time and build…