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How 1000+ adult learners said COVID-19 impacted their plans—and what this means for enrollment strategy

We surveyed 1000+ current and prospective adult learners. Here’s how the pandemic has impacted their graduate, online, and professional education plans—and three key takeaways for your strategy.

Insights From 1,000+ Adults Considering Completing Their Bachelor's

There are approximately 3.5 million adults who have completed some college and have a high potential in going back to earn their bachelor’s degree. Guests discuss findings from a survey…

5 lessons for virtual learning and teaching from an online K-12 school

For these 5 tips for virtual learning success, we spoke with Texas Tech University (TTU) K-12—a fully online, public K-12 school that has served over 400,000 students since 1993.
Research Report

Improve Institutional Support to Reduce Students’ Financial Stress

As economic inequality continues to grow, financial stress in college students has increased. This resource can be use to inform leadership about financial hardship and identify solutions.
Research Report

Scaling Support for Financially Insecure Students

With the rising cost of college, more and more students suffer from basic needs or other forms of financial insecurity. VPSAs and their teams should use the study to expand…

“We are all land grants now”: Facing the new normal in higher education

President E. Gordon Gee of West Virginia University calls on other universities to respond to the pandemic crisis by becoming more agile and effective than ever before.

APS COVID-19 Cost Optimization Playbook

This playbook will help you leverage Academic Performance Solutions (APS) data to uncover potential areas for cost optimization to inform your institution’s COVID-19 planning strategy.

Here’s how to think about ROI from your marketing investments

See common questions (and answers) for measuring and analyzing the impact of marketing investments for recruiting and enrolling graduate students.
Adult Education Blog

How the Pandemic is Changing Tuition Pricing and Financial Aid

EAB experts discuss the pitfalls of “pandemic pricing,” the best way for schools to distribute financial relief to families, and the importance of communicating the rationale behind tuition prices.

Leading in times of crisis: How a wildfire prepared this president for COVID-19

President Ann McElaney-Johnson of Mount Saint Mary's University shares how she led her campus through a wildfire—and how the experience informed her response to COVID-19.