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3 questions guiding fall term scenario planning for academic leaders

Explore 3 questions guiding fall semester 2020 scenario planning, and emerging trends in how colleges and universities are responding to the uncertainty.

COVID-19 could worsen equity gaps. Higher ed must fight back.

Explore the ways COVID-19 could lead us to a more inequitable future and learn five ways student success leaders can fight against this trend—in the immediate future and beyond.
Insight Paper

Five greatest mistakes in higher education COVID-19 strategy

The decisions that colleges and universities make across the next few months will determine the extent of the financial shock and whether the institution is positioned not only to recover,…

How one college developed a permanent swing space solution for research labs

To provide researchers with quicker access to better short-term lab space—and maximize the value of their lab investments—institutions should consider designating fixed research swing space on campus. Read on to…
Strategic Advisory Services

IT Pandemic Operations Assessment Toolkit

IT will need to work closely with university leadership to develop more appropriate and effective remote processes and pedagogies. This toolkit will help you reflect on your pandemic response and…

The Rapid Response School District: Better Planning and Execution Through COVID-19 and Beyond

Districts need to establish an organizational structure that will enable them to respond quickly and efficiently to the challenges ahead, and to prepare to operate schools no matter how the…

Back to School: Colleges Consider What Fall 2020 Will Look Like

Carla Hickman and David Attis discuss why schools are communicating their intent to welcome students back to campus this fall and the scenario planning work they’re doing to prepare for…

Case Study Compendium of Campus Flashpoints

This resource is comprised of exercises to prepare heads of school and their leadership team for how to respond to incivility in the classroom.

Make the most of space audits to boost F&A return rate

Many universities struggle with space optimization, despite its importance to recovering facilities and administrative (F&A ) costs. With smart space accounting practices, chief research officers can better capture the full…
Strategic Advisory Services

120+ Virtual Engagement Strategies for Incoming Students

To combat COVID-related uncertainty about enrollment, institutions must develop new and creative ways to engage students during the summer. Discover 120+ virtual engagement strategies in this infographic.
Strategic Advisory Services