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Research Report

Planning Academic Programs Across Campuses

The following study details a case study for each model and offers advice for administrators as they think about implementing a joint- or multi-campus program.

Multi-Campus Program Planning Guidebook

Use this toolkit to better understand the benefits and drawbacks of various models of joint- and multi-campus academic programs and identify strategies to overcome challenges in developing new programs.

3 things you can do to bolster your enrollment strategy in the new year

Even small tweaks to enrollment strategy can inflect performance. As you take the pulse of your current strategy, keep in mind three guiding principles to help direct your efforts.

Student Internship Tracker

Use this resource to track student intern projects and keep a detailed record of current and past student intern information.
Research Report

3 strategies to drive student employment via career exploration opportunities

Higher education institutions are under increasing pressure to deliver on graduate employability outcomes. Read this insight for three strategies to drive student employment via career exploration opportunities

3 strategies for leveraging alumni to develop students’ job-ready skills

Students are increasingly seeking opportunities to build workplace skills during their degree programmes. Read this insight for three strategies for leveraging alumni to develop students' job-ready skills.
Research Report

District Program Evaluation

To increase staff engagement and promote a culture of continuous improvement, it is important to create a program evaluation process. This research report discusses how eight districts approach program evaluation.
Resource Center

Student Success Best Practices Library

Supporting students in today’s changing environment can sometimes feel like an overwhelming challenge for those accountable for student success. To help our partners navigate this shifting terrain, we’ve cataloged more…

Why data governance matters for university strategy—and why most data governance projects fail

Getting the most out of your data begins with good governance.
Data & Analytics Blog
Research Report

International Student Support Systems

International students experience unique barriers to academic success and persistence. This report explores international student support systems in higher education institutions in Canada and the United States.