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The Four Essential Traits of Today’s Project Manager Infographic

Learn what higher ed project managers project managers need to rethink about their roles and responsibilities to best support campus development in this infographic.
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Benchmarking Facilities Project Management Units

Facilities leaders must improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their project management functions to meet their campuses’ needs. Through the 2018 Project Management Survey, EAB's report provides overall project management…
Research Report

Increasing Equity in Accelerated Math Pathways in Middle School

This report explores strategies used by districts that altered their middle school accelerated math pathways to improve equity within pathways and districts that eliminated their middle school accelerated math pathways…
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Standardizing Teacher-Support Coaching

Teacher-support coaches deliver general trainings and personalized support to enhance teacher instruction. However, administrators often struggle to align coaching roles with district and school needs. This report explores how administrators…
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Early Childhood Education Programs

Districts operate early childhood education (ECE) programs to serve students and their families before they reach kindergarten. This research explores the practices and philosophies of successful ECE programs.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Increasing Retention in Online High Schools

In the U.S., K-12 students are increasingly enrolling in full-time online learning schools, which operate in 39 states. However, research shows that many online schools struggle to retain their students.…

Leveraging Program Analytics to Support Institutional Goals

Watch this on-demand webconference for a look at the APS Program Analytics feature and learn how the new program-level data can support program portfolio management and annual department health check-ups.
Academic Performance Solutions

3 ways to improve data literacy on campus

To use data for decision-making, campus leaders must overcome obstacles to data literacy. See tested strategies from our partner schools to build and improve data literacy.

3 takeaways from a gathering of nearly 700 adult learner administrators

See the biggest takeaways from the Council of Graduate Schools annual conference—and advice for how enrollment professionals can put students at the center in 2020.

Adult learner recruitment 101

Institutions have turned to adult learners to offset declines in traditional student populations. But recruiting adult learners presents a host of challenges absent in the traditional undergraduate market.