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Time to play: Increasing daily recess in elementary schools

Learn about the research behind recess optimizing existing instructional time and improving student well-being.
Insight Paper

Get Ahead of Climate Flashpoints with Proactive Risk Identification

Audit current assessments or create mechanisms for consistent risk elevation across campus.
Strategic Advisory Services

Inspire better data stewardship across campus. This university shows us how.

See four lessons to inspire better data stewardship across campus.
Data & Analytics Blog

3 ways to align tenure criteria with your institutional strategy

Tenure criteria is often based on narrow forms of academic work that don’t advance the institution’s strategic priorities. These three types of changes to promotion and tenure criteria can help…
Research Report

The Rural Student Landscape

Institutions feel pressure to recruit rural students for both mission- and business-related reasons. Our briefing outlines the reasons why the college-going rate for rural students lags behind urban and suburban…

3 things community colleges get wrong about strategy—and how to get them right

Few campus activities in higher ed are more divisive than preparing for a new strategic planning process. Here are the three most common mistakes to avoid when it comes to…
Research Report

Prime First-Year Students for Success with Resilience and Coping Skills

This paper outlines three recommendations for engaging first-year students in developing essential skills.
Strategic Advisory Services

Supporting Students with a History of Trauma

Many educators feel ill-equipped to recognize signs and symptoms of trauma and manage students’ resulting social, emotional, and behavioral challenges in a supportive way. This resource provides a guide with…
District Leadership Forum

Rural Student Population Factsheets

Our factsheets shed light on each state’s rural population to inform strategic discussion around recruiting and supporting rural students in higher ed.
Research Report

3 takeaways on real estate development from large, urban universities

EAB interviewed several large, urban universities across North America to better understand their real estate strategies—and the impact more active management has on institutional priorities.