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University Research Fact Sheet Guidelines

Learn about 12 key components to create a compelling university research fact sheet that communicates value and community impact.
Strategic Advisory Services

How to Engage "Stealth Shoppers"

Experts share advice on ways to engage higher ed “stealth shoppers,” a growing population of prospective students whose college search process is largely self-directed and avoids direct contact with admissions…

Why advancement employees leave (and how leaders can fix it)

There are various methods you can use to cope with the advancement talent crisis, but addressing your workplace culture head-on can help you improve retention both immediately and over time.…
Advancement Blog

What 70+ higher ed leaders are saying about staff recruitment and retention in today’s competitive labor market

This blog identifies ways leaders can improve their staff recruitment and retention practices to compete in the current higher ed talent market.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

How to Improve Student Mental Health Counseling

Experts share ways to build a better student mental health counseling framework that elevates messages of strength and resilience.

The top concerns for higher ed Facilities leaders in 2023

EAB surveyed Facilities and Estates organizations across North America, Europe, and Oceania during December 2022 to better understand their top concerns for higher ed Facilities. This blog post shares five…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Recipes for Student Success

How do we support students and teachers given shrinking budgets and volatile socio-political discourse?
District Leadership Forum

Accelerate your strategic goals with a chief of staff: the latest trend in independent schools

An independent school’s chief of staff can help heads effectively manage competing strategic priorities and lead their institution into the future.
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Better CRM Tools Key to Reversing Enrollment Declines at CCs

Experts discuss ways to integrate CRM tools with student support and retention systems to help short-staffed admissions teams convert more student inquiries into successful students.
Insight Paper

Student Success Staffing in a Volatile Labor Market

This white paper offers six strategies for solving workforce challenges and retaining student-facing staff amid the higher education staffing crisis.