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How UCF is Expanding Opportunities for Hispanic Adult Learners

Representatives from the UCF College of Nursing discuss a public-private partnership that helps them provide more Hispanic adult learners in their area with the education and training they need to…

4 student lifecycle moments when sense of belonging matters most for Black and Latino men

While it’s important to support Black and Latino men throughout the entire student lifecycle, our research team found four moments when that support is especially critical for retention and graduation.
Student Success Blog

Belonging for Black and Latino Men Compendium

This compendium features studies of various campus efforts to retain and improve the sense of belonging for Black and Latino men based on three key relationships.
Strategic Advisory Services

Strategies for K-12 Student Recruitment, Retention, and Reclamation

This report explores how profiled districts use marketing strategies to recruit, retain, and reclaim students. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, enrollment trends have become increasingly important for public…

3 competencies that take a chief human resource officer from tactical to strategic

The last few years have uniquely burdened chief human resource officers, from the intensity of hiring and turnover to the scope creep caused by the pandemic – CHROs have more…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

The 3 big bets university presidents and provosts are placing on graduate and adult learner enrollments

As the graduate market moves away from its COVID-induced bumps in enrollment, and as undergraduate enrollment continues to fall short, university executives are facing more pressure to grow graduate enrollment.
Adult Education Blog

Student Success Collaborative Awards

EAB recognized outstanding achievements in student success with the 2022 Student Success Collaborative Awards for Navigate and Starfish partners. The winners are leading the way in rethinking the student support…

The 4 most common barriers to higher ed data and analytics success

We surveyed higher ed leaders to identify their goals and challenges in working with data. See the results of our survey in this post!
Data & Analytics Blog

The 50 most in-demand skills for graduates of your master's programs

We know that graduate students often enroll to gain the skills and knowledge necessary for bigger and better professional opportunities. But which skills do employers seek most frequently, and which…
Adult Education Blog
Partner Story

How Pueblo Community College Leveraged Faculty Partnerships and Technology to Address the Community College Enrollment Crisis

Explore how Navigate helped Pueblo Community College leverage faculty partnerships and technology to address their enrollment crisis.