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What enrollment leaders need to know about the upcoming FAFSA changes

With the FAFSA set for some substantial changes in the 2024-2025 academic year, t’s not too early to think about how this will impact your perspective students and subsequently, your…
Enrollment Blog

3 ways to attract and retain community college staff amid the talent crisis

Community college staff members are taking on larger workloads as enrollments continue to dip. Innovating on how to attract and retain talent is critical for stabilizing student support. This post…

Creating a data-informed campus: part 1

From tracking student success metrics to operational efficiency, data and analytics provide colleges and universities crucial information in this period of enhanced scrutiny. This blog post discusses 3 elements of…
Data & Analytics Blog

Interview with "Inside Higher Ed" Editor, Scott Jaschik

EAB’s Carla Hickman turns the tables on Inside Higher Ed’s Scott Jaschik in an interview that touches on the most important news stories impacting higher education today.

5 reasons to join the movement to raise teacher morale

Our inaugural cohort of 30+ districts is starting the new year ready to meet the needs of their teachers. Their feedback on the experience highlights five reasons why your district…
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Which program type is best for your adult degree completers?

While we know that only about 10 to 15% of this population will go back to school, adult degree completers remain an important audience for institutions.
Adult Education Blog

Higher Ed Data Strategy: Frustrations and Aspirations

Based on surveys of more than 300 college and university data leaders and users, we uncovered the obstacles schools encounter as well as the goals they share for their higher…
Insight Paper

An Enrollment Leader’s Guide to Diversity Strategy

Our white paper maps out concrete steps you can take to enroll more Black, Latinx, lower-income, and first-generation students, under two headings: laying the necessary groundwork and increasing conversion rates…
Research Report

Advancement Professional Development Series: On-Demand Materials

Access materials from our Advancement Professional Development Series, a three-part series that educates leaders and their staff about best practices and innovative solutions to their top challenges.
Advancement Advisory Services

How to Help Black and Latino Men Succeed at Community Colleges and Beyond

Learn what’s working and what isn’t in efforts to help Black and Latino men persist and succeed at community colleges.