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Enterprise Data Strategy Self-Assessment

This Enterprise Data Strategy Self-Assessment helps institutions evaluate the current state of enterprise data management on campus and surface strengths and opportunities in their data strategy.
IT Strategy Advisory Services

3 common challenges with academic program assessment

EAB's Financial Sustainability Collaborative has worked with over 100 schools to help them structure their academic program assessment process, and that experience has provided us with some observations about the…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

3 lessons to inform your test-optional enrollment strategy in 2022

At the start of the pandemic, many schools found themselves adopting a test-optional policy practically overnight. As someone who’s worked in just about every type of enrollment job – from…
Enrollment Blog

How to Unlock Analytics with Enhanced Data Tools

Everyone wants to use data—but few on campus have the skills to do so effectively. Learn how in EAB's on-demand webinar.
Academic Performance Solutions

Tips for yielding first-generation and lower-income students

In this era of expanded test-optional policies, college application behaviors are more varied, making deposit decisions even less predictable for enrollment leaders. Students who graduated high school in 2021, especially…

NACAC CEO Shares Admissions Strategies to Improve College Access

NACAC CEO Dr. Angel Pérez joins EAB’s Madeleine Rhyneer to discuss findings from a new NACAC/NASFAA report, “Toward a More Equitable Future for Postsecondary Access.”
Research Report

Diagnose faculty racial inequity with these 8 critical metrics

Many colleges and universities have devoted significant time and resources to diversifying their faculty pipelines, but ensuring these faculty members stick around is the second—and equally critical—step. Discover eight metrics…
Strategic Advisory Services

3 cognitive biases that can derail strategy work at independent schools

Pulling from cognitive psychology, EAB researchers point to some specific cognitive biases that hamper strategy work at independent schools and how to overcome them.
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Is Your Approach to Student Support Inherently Biased?

EAB experts discuss why early alert systems and traditional approaches to student advising sometimes fail to connect with students of color.

Optimize K-12 Programming for Today’s Parents

Today’s parents have changed, but independent schools have not, leading to key misalignments between schools and their customers. Explore resources that will allow schools to bridge that gap by developing…
Independent School Executive Forum