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Launching tech graduate programs? Here’s how to make them stand out

How can universities design tech programs to stand out in this increasingly competitive market? After advising more than 40 universities on technology programs in the past year through EAB’s Market…

What does the strong employer demand for speech-language pathologists mean for your university?

Here's how your school capitalize on growing employer and student demand for speech-language pathology programs.

Before you rush to hire a new annual giving leader, make sure you are prepared

The temptation is to settle by hiring whoever seems remotely qualified even if they are not what you were looking for. Sure, you may get lucky, but do you really…

A common equity blind spot: what higher ed leaders need to know about serving student-parents

Learn more about supporting student-parents in higher education and what steps your institution can take to improve student parent equity in this Q&A with the CEO and founder of Generation…
Student Success Blog

3 strategies to successfully recruit and enroll underrepresented students

Closing the opportunity gap for students from first-generation, lower-income, BIPOC, and other underrepresentedidentities has been at the heart of College Greenlight’s mission since 2011. We have partnered with more than…
Enrollment Blog

Building a holistic student support infrastructure with Navigate360

In this five-video collection, Dr. Nora Clark-Giles from Frederick Community College and Michael Gage from Pueblo Community College share how they are using EAB's Navigate360 to reform their student success…

3 holiday reminders to make the new year productive

While normal alumni responsiveness may feel like the cold shoulder, these winter weeks aren’t hopeless. Quiet inboxes aren’t reason to cease activity but a sign to rest from your typical…
Advancement Blog
Insight Paper

Targeted Yield-Performance Turnarounds

This report focuses selectively on approaches that meet the following three criteria: they substantially improve yield performance; they act primarily on the yield phase, as opposed to other funnel stages;…

4 new data opportunities for success analytics—and where you should begin

Growing volumes of student data present an opportunity for colleges and universities to deliver bespoke experiences and interventions for the right students, at the right time. Learn about 4 new…

Front-Line Staff Share Insights on Eliminating Equity Gaps

EAB experts join front-line staff at the institutions that have signed on to the Moon Shot for Equity project, to update us on their progress and share insights on the…