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The Art and Science of Generating Your College’s Audience of Right-Fit Adult Prospects

In today’s tightening graduate and adult learner markets, enrollment leaders can’t afford to leave any stone unturned when searching for right-fit prospects. Explore our infographic to learn how different audience…
Adult Learner Recruitment

How K-12 leaders can build a sustainable work environment

EAB researchers have found that district efforts to support teacher wellbeing typically fall into two categories: Fun or relaxing events organized by teachers within the district or expensive employee assistance…

How to Reimagine Office Space to Fit a Hybrid Work Environment

EAB experts examine how universities are reimagining campus work spaces to save money and boost employee morale.

Are your emails to students limiting your equity efforts?

Small, intentional changes in the ways we communicate with minoritized students can help restore some of their trust in our institutions. Learn 5 common mistakes you may be making in…
Student Success Blog

Should your new program be a standalone degree, concentration, or certificate? Here are 4 factors to consider.

Here are four factors to consider as you weigh whether to offer a full degree program or as a concentration or certificate within a degree program.
Adult Education Blog

Insights from Year One of EAB's "Moon Shot for Equity"

Experts share what they’ve learned by doing the hard work required to close equity gaps in higher education.

4 things to know to promote racial justice on campus

To create real change on campus, education leaders must make DEIJ efforts a comprehensive and institution-wide effort.
Insight Paper

The Future of Digital Ecosystems for Higher Ed

This EAB white paper on the future of institutional digital ecosystems takes stock of how universities and colleges around the United States responded to this surge in traffic and the…

How to win new major gift prospects after a record year of alumni engagement

During the pandemic, alumni engaged with their alma maters at record levels, yet major gift officers struggled to engage new prospects. Read our blog for three steps to win new…

How to Achieve Financial Sustainability Amid Declining Enrollment

Experts examine higher ed cost pressures and possible sources of revenue growth as institutions work to achieve financial sustainability.