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Two Key Areas to Maintain Momentum in the Wake of the Pandemic

As difficult as the last year and half have been, we should take stock of some of the positive innovations and advancements that have come as a result. How can…
Student Success Blog

4 warning signs your data strategy needs attention

Why is it difficult to use campus data to answer seemingly simple questions? Here are 4 signs your data strategy may need attention—and what to do if these signs show…
Community College Blog
Resource Center

K-12 Postsecondary Success Resource Center

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the barriers students face to postsecondary application, enrollment, and graduation. This K-12 postsecondary success resource center is designed to guide you through the best-fit strategies for…
District Leadership Forum

Q&A with SNHU President Paul LeBlanc

SNHU President Dr. Paul Leblanc outlines a host of changes institutions should make to allow students to access and demonstrate mastery of their coursework on their own terms and timelines.
Research Report

How IT Leaders are Adapting to Remote Work: A Conversation with Peers

In several recent roundtable discussions convened for higher education CIOs, we asked IT leaders to tell us how they are addressing workplace trends and post-pandemic institutional needs.
IT Strategy Advisory Services

Reorganizing and rightsizing academic affairs—What provosts need to know

In response to growing interest among provosts in norms and emerging trends associated with academic affairs unit, we launched a survey to provide much-needed insight into the size, scope, and…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

How your law school can better support, enroll, and retain students of color

More students of color applying to law school now than ever before, but successfully attracting, enrolling, and supporting law students from underserved groups requires highly responsive, intent-based recruitment strategies and…
Research Report

Academic Affairs Organizational Benchmarking Survey Findings

EAB launched an academic affairs organizational benchmarking survey to provide much-needed insight into the size, scope, and processes in place at colleges and universities across North America.
Strategic Advisory Services

How to pick the right collaborators to advance your data strategy

A good data catalyst can champion data strategy projects across campus; use these 3 guidelines to find the right data catalyst for your work.

How to get the most out of your security incident tabletop exercises: 3 lessons from the University of Auckland

Universities worldwide are scrambling to strengthen their security incident response planning as cyber-attacks targeting higher education rapidly escalate.