How Wichita State is Winning with Transfer Students
Episode 169
October 23, 2023 • 32 minutes
EAB’s Kate Manning and Matt Sheldon welcome Chad Steinkamp from Wichita State University for a conversation about ways to make your institution a top transfer destination.
The three offer tips on marketing your school to prospective transfer students and making their transition as seamless as possible. They also discuss the merits of the dual-advising approach and its impact on the transfer student community.
0:00:11.2 Speaker 1: Hello and welcome to Office Hours with EAB. Today we’re marking National Transfer Student Week with an episode focused on how Wichita State University continues year after year to remain the top transfer destination for students in Kansas looking for a four-year degree. Give these folks a listen and enjoy.
0:00:36.7 Kate Manning: Hello and welcome to the special episode of EAB Office Hours in honor of National Transfer Student Week. I’m Kate Manning, a strategic leader at EAB. I dedicate a lot of my time to assessing the transfer landscape and identifying best practices for ensuring a smooth transition to the transfer students. I’m delighted to be joined here today by two of my colleagues, Matt Sheldon, associate Director of Enrollment at EAB, and Chad Steinkamp, director of Transfer and Adult Recruitment at Wichita State University. I’m gonna kick off by throwing it over to Matt to share a little bit about him and his role at EAB.
0:01:14.6 Matt Sheldon: Thanks so much, Kate. And hello to everyone listening today. We’re so excited to talk to you about transfer. My name is Matt Sheldon, and I serve as a partner development executive here at EAB. But as many of you in the transfer world, I also wear many hats. So I help serve Kate as one of her subject matter experts on this topic. And we all know it’s a challenging time in transfer and there’s a lot going on. So we are honored to be joined by Chad, who’s really gonna lead us through this discussion and talk about the ways that Wichita State has really done an amazing job in the transfer space. So, Chad, I’ll turn over to you. If you could tell us a little bit about yourself and what’s going on at your institution?
0:01:57.3 Chad Steinkamp: Yeah, absolutely. Thank you guys so much. Thank you to Kate and Matt and for inviting me to this and EAB. I appreciate the relationship we have with you guys. So it’s an honor to be here with y’all today. Like Matt said, my name is Chad Steinkamp. I am the director of Transfer and Adult Military Recruitment in the undergraduate office at Wichita State University. Been working with transfers at Wichita State for about the past nine years. I have a heart for transfer students. I was a transfer student myself, plus I worked 15 years at a community college before I moved over to Wichita State. So transfers is a big deal to me personally but also to my role at Wichita State. So we’re really excited to be working with EAB with these transfer students. So it’s a really exciting opportunity and glad to be here.
0:02:40.5 MS: Yeah, thanks so much. So we can dive right in here. It sounds like you have a great background in transfer, but could you tell us a little bit about the demographics of the students that are at Wichita State? And talk about why transfer’s so important for you all?
0:02:56.3 CS: Sure, absolutely. Yeah, transfer students are a big deal for us. We love our transfer students so we wanted to make them feel at home at Wichita State, just like any traditional high school student. Just this last year we had a little over a thousand transfer students that newly enrolled to Wichita State, so, which has been our highest in the last four years. So we’re really excited about that. It’s not only your traditional transfers, but also your adult transfers. So we definitely work a lot with our adult students that have those transfer hours that are just coming back to school and starting at a community college then transferring to us. So with our highest number in this last four years, we’re really excited about that and able to help them with that process. What I’m excited about is our team that we have here at Wichita State.
0:03:37.3 CS: So, when I started I was working with orientation, that was my role, but then orientation moved outta our office and then we opened up this position to work with transfer and adult students. Back then we had one person that was our transfer recruiter. He’s still here at Wichita State and rocking it. But now we’re a four-person strong team. And so we just enjoy working with those transfer students and getting them in the door here and helping them pursue their further education once they’re done with their community college or even the other four-year schools that they may have intended.
0:04:13.8 KM: Thanks Chad for sharing. And I do wanna point out, Wichita State University is the top transfer destination for Kansas Community Colleges, correct Chad?
0:04:21.2 CS: It is, yeah. Thanks Kate for [laughter] I know I should be leading off with that. But yeah, we’re the number one transfer destination in the state of Kansas. Basically what that means is we get more transfer students from the community colleges in the state of Kansas than any other four-year university in the state. So we’ve had this honor for 13 straight years. So we’re hoping to keep this ball rolling and keep the snowball effect happening with that. But we really like to have that honor with that within the state.
0:04:48.6 KM: Great. So I just wanna dive a little bit deeper and I’m gonna ask you a first question here. Could you elaborate a little bit more on what Wichita State does to help students through that enrollment process? As well as, then part two of the question, what you guys do on campus once they are enrolled at your institution?
0:05:06.3 CS: Sure, sure. It’s a great question, Kate. We traditionally do it like any other schools when it comes to recruitment. We do the transfer fairs, we go to the community colleges and table at some of their events or even just table in the hallway that we can get students to come by. So we’re just trying to reach out to these students to know that Wichita State is here and available for them. We do it in many different ways besides actual physical recruitment. We have a robust communication plan for our students. So once we catch their name, either through the recruitment process, through the transfer gateway, which I know we’ll talk about a little bit here soon, but once we catch their name, we have a really great communication team that reaches out to these students on our behalf.
0:05:44.1 CS: So it’s either through text messages, emails, just letting them know, “Hey, we’re here, we’re available for you. Come see us. We’re gonna help you through this process.” And we know as a transfer student, sometimes they think that, “Well, I’m not a traditional student, so are they really gonna pay attention to me? Are they really gonna provide those resources for me?” So I think we really provide that for our students. Like I said, not only through the physical recruitment side, but also through the communication and just being able to provide those resources for them and then once we get them on campus, we also wanna make sure that they know they’re a part of the campus. I know especially with the older transfer students, they’re like, “Well, how do I fit in? How do I fit in with these younger students?”
0:06:27.6 CS: Or, “How do I fit in with these first-time freshmen after I have a few years already under my belt?” Really we have opportunities for them either through student government, we have seats in the table for our transfer students. We do have a specific transfer orientation and adult learner orientation specifically for those students. We don’t necessarily want to have to fill them into the mix with those new first-time freshmen, but we definitely want to make sure that they’re getting the resources and the information they need. So for adults for example, not only can they take a seat at some of those tables when it comes to organizations, groups, and clubs we also have an office of online and adult learning specifically for them. So they can go there for specific resources on, “How to build a resume? How do I write a paper? I’ve been outta school for years,” this kind of thing.
0:07:12.8 CS: So we really wanna make sure that they have those opportunities. We also have a transfer student working group on campus, which I’m a part of, but it also consists of representatives from some of our advising teams, financial aid, student rec, student involvement where we get together once a month and just talk about, “Hey, what can we do for our transfer students on campus?” I know with National Transfer Student Week coming up next week, we have a lot of events planned for them through this group. So we’re just trying to do our best to make sure that they know what their resources are, what they can do to succeed at Wichita State. I know firsthand that going from a community college to a bigger school, have it be Wichita State or wherever, that transition’s a little bit different. Campus is bigger, more people, larger classes, more things to do. So we wanna make sure that our students get a good ear on what we had to offer and leave it up to them how they want to get involved in what research they wanna take advantage of.
0:08:11.1 MS: So Chad, it sounds like you guys just do amazing things and congratulations on having such an incredible enrollment this past year for those who are on the line I think Chad’s probably even underselling it with how well they’re doing, especially when you compare it to what’s going on in the national landscape. Over the last few years we’ve been down about 14% when it comes to overall transfer. And so Chad, as you’re talking, I’m hearing all these incredible things that are on your campus for a lot of our listeners and a lot of folks that Kate and I talk to on our daily basis of our jobs, they might be a team of one or a team of two, and they don’t have that same level of buy-in from across campus. If you were starting over from scratch and you had some recommendations for folks on how to start to get cross-departmental buy-in for transfer, what would you say to those folks? How can they make the argument to others on campus that transfers are important?
0:09:09.1 CS: I guess that’s the problem is making them realize how important transfer students are for your landscape. We, and I don’t know the exact transfer numbers that we currently have at Wichita State. I know what we’ve gotten in every year as far as brand new transfers, but we hit over 17,000 enrollment for our students in Wichita State. And that’s the most ever at WSU and take away the transfer student, we’re gonna cut into that number a lot. So I guess the big thing is just making sure that those other folks on campus, have it be faculty, staff, administration, know that how important that transfer student is for the landscape of your college campus not only for the numbered reason, but gosh, you bring those transfer and those adult students in and they have that experience and they have that know-how and they have life behind them, that they really are a benefit to all of our other students.
0:10:00.9 CS: Wichita State years ago was definitely known as just a main campus for traditional students. Those transfers were still coming, but the resources weren’t there. So about seven, eight years ago, finally the resources started coming around and they started being able to provide for these students. So I think the big thing is just making sure that those other folks know on campus, I can speak at times blue in the face that they know how important these students are, not only for your classes, but also for your landscape and also for just the general student population at your institution.
0:10:34.6 MS: Yeah, I think that that’s really the key there is that these… They drive the enrollment and for those listening, if you’re like, “Hey, we’re never gonna be a Wichita state.” You’re not alone. 77% of all transfer offices have four or fewer people that are dedicated transfer, and that’s across campus. I’m talking advisors, registrars, and admissions. There are ways to build your program outside of staffing and you’re not alone out there. And I think some of the great things that Wichita is doing can be used, but don’t think that this has to be done for everybody.
0:11:14.7 CS: Yeah. And we are very lucky. We are super lucky. The years I’ve been in Wichita State, we’ve been so supportive of all of our administration. So starting with my supervisor going up higher, the transfer process, the transfer team, all that and the resources not only once we do recruiting, but also once again on campus, have been available for them. So we’re truly blessed to be honest. So we’ve never really had to run into that difficulty of saying, “Hey y’all, you need to do this and you need to do this.” We’ve just been just blessed from the early time that we’ve had that support.
0:11:46.9 KM: Thanks Chad. So you’re talking a lot about the staff that supports transfer students and the great resources that Wichita state has. One resource that is really unique and stood out to me is that you have a dual advising approach at Wichita State. So I was wondering if you could elaborate a little bit more on that for the folks on the line? As well as talk about the impact that has on transfer students.
0:12:09.4 CS: Yeah, absolutely. So thanks for bringing that up, Kate. So, dual advising is really huge for us. So basically what dual advising is, it’s an opportunity for our current community college students and even other four-year students that are in different colleges, they can have an advisor with Wichita State, even though while they’re at that other college. So it’s free for them to take advantage of. We have an easy form. Basically we just… We tell them, “Hey, fill out this form. It gives you an advisor at Wichita State, why you’re at your current college. So it can help you with that transfer process.” We know with our experience, and you all know that a big concern with transfer students is, “How are my hours gonna transfer? I don’t want to fall behind, I don’t wanna lose money, I don’t wanna waste my time,” if they’re not gonna transfer to y’all.
0:12:50.9 CS: So that’s how dual advising was first figured out and founded, was so we can try to solve that issue early. So by telling our students, “Hey, you go to that school, absolutely do what you need to do, but you can still have an advisor at Wichita State to help you through that process and make sure that you’re taking the correct courses at that current college so that transition is smooth and easy whenever you’re ready.” I tell them, “We’re not going anywhere. We’re gonna be here for a while, y’all take your time, go through the process.” We also have dedicated dual advisors in each college, so we have eight separate colleges within the university. So depending on what their major is and what they’re going into, we will line them up with that specific advisor. So one of the team members on my team, she is basically responsible for dual advising. So once she gets a dual advising form, she will match them up with their dual advisor and then make sure that they stay in contact with each other to solve any issues, any questions that students have about transferring hours to us.
0:13:54.1 MS: I think one key thing for folks who are listening to think about too is that there are a thousand transfer students for every one community college advisor. So anything that you can be doing on your campus to be supporting dual advising, whether it be through this very regimented and structured work that Wichita State is doing, or just informally, that could be a big help. Chad, wanna do a little log rolling for you because I think that it was really formative to both Kate and I and helping frame all the great work you’re doing. But you recently wrote a blog post called A Complete Guide to Transferring to Wichita State. Can you tell us a little bit about how you use this blog? And how you publish it? And just talk a little bit about you’re using some non-traditional communication to get in front of students.
0:14:44.3 CS: Sure, absolutely. First of all, I can’t take credit for the blog. I would love to take credit for the blog, but absolutely one of my former staff, unfortunately she moved on to other things, wrote that blog for us. But we do have the blogs that come out in regards to transferring and adult recruitment. So the blogs thing just started just a couple years ago and it’s nice to have, it’s just a different resource, not only for transfer students but also traditional students or adult students or just, “Hey, what’s happened on campus?” We’ve written blogs on what the best cookie is on campus before, just so people get a good idea, “Hey, what does admissions team like?” But we do have the blog website and basically you can definitely go there to check out the different blogs, but we’re also, once we create a blog for specific population, we will email that blog out to them, the link to that, saying, “Hey, check this out.”
0:15:30.9 CS: We’ll also put it on our social media. So it’s really just another resource, another way to communicate with those folks. We really can’t tell who reads the blog. We don’t get really information from them, like their names and emails and stuff we always look for as recruiters. But it’s just a nice little fun way to share our information with them. So something a little bit different than the traditional email, than the traditional text message, saying, “Hey, we got these fun blogs, go check them out.” And then when they read one blog, they might see another blog listed there that’s, “Hey, this is interesting to me too. I wanna know what the best cookie is on campus, so let’s go check that out too. ’cause once I’m on campus, I’m gonna hit up that cookie place.” So it’s just a nice way to communicate just some of the fun things that we do on campus and then also some of the process of to become a student or how to get involved.
0:16:25.5 KM: That’s very interesting, Chad. And I love the unique way of that blog. It’s not really seen much. So I love that you shared that with us today. Another resource that you previously mentioned a little bit earlier was the Transfer Gateway. So I was wondering if you could elaborate a little bit on the transfer gateway for us? For those listening, Transfer Gateway is EAB’s transfer portal that Wichita State University uses. So they have renamed it to Transfer Gateway and it’s really our one-stop shop to really help transfer students enroll at your institution. So Chad, would you mind just speaking a little bit more about that and how you guys use that?
0:17:00.0 CS: Oh yeah. Oh my gosh. I love the Transfer Gateway transfer portal so much. When we got this a few years ago in partnership with EAB we were definitely… We’re an Alpha school so which means we were one of the first colleges to try this and y’all, it has taken off so well since then. When we first got this I was really giddy and stuff… “This is just something that we need, something for the students to have.” So basically what the, like Kate said, basically what the Transfer Gateway is an opportunity for students to get in there, put in their classes that they’ve taken at the community college, four-year school and sees how it transfers to Wichita State, which is a huge benefit. I mentioned before that with transfer students, a lot of times their big concern is what’s gonna transfer.
0:17:45.5 CS: And a lot of people are visual people. I’m definitely a visual person. And for them to get on that transfer gateway, which is free for them to use, for them to get on that transfer gateway and to see with their own eyes, “Okay, this class is gonna transfer as this class at Wichita State. And then I have this much done for my degree at WSU, this is what I have left.” I think it’s so helpful. Gosh, it’s so helpful for us and for the students and also for us in a selfish manner, it’s a way for us to capture them. They can go in and they can build a profile and they can put their information in, and they can put in where they’re from, what their major is, where they’re transferring from. And that helps us on our end with the recruitment and communication process.
0:18:27.4 CS: So it’s a benefit. I think it’s a win-win for all of us. It’s a great recruitment tool from my eyes, but for the students themselves, it is a really good… “I really just want to self… Make sure that the things are gonna transfer for us.” It really just makes them feel a little more confident on how things are gonna transfer and by using and taking advantage of that gateway, we really, really do our best to try to push that out to our students. That’s part of our communication plan. Everywhere we travel, everywhere we go, we have a specific Transfer Gateway flyer that we can make sure that these students have in their hands and we say, “Hey, listen, go on this, check it out. If you have concerns about your… Or questions about how things are gonna transfer, get on here.” But another beautiful thing about the Transfer Gateway transfer portal.
0:19:15.0 CS: Not only with the transfer hours, but it has also other resources there. It has information on majors like, what the demand is for that specific major, what the salary range is for that major. It has a timeline of, “What do I need to do next? All right, I’ve visited Wichita State, I’ve gone on the Transfer Gateway, what’s my next role?” They can go to the timeline and personalize that a little bit. They could reach out to us ’cause we do run into classes now and then that are questionable about transferring, but they can use the gateway where they can request, “Hey let’s look… Can you take a closer look at this?” They send us the syllabus, our transfer evaluation team on campus can take a close look at it and say, “Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, we’ll take this class. No problem. It doesn’t show up in the gateway, but it will for future use now.” So it’s a really huge benefit for us. I honestly, Kate, don’t know what we would do without it. And so we’re really enjoying it. So this is my plug for the transfer portal in the transfer gateway. If you don’t have one like it already, think about getting one. It is a huge, huge help for our transfer students.
0:20:18.3 MS: So Chad, we’re very flattered also how it’s placed on your website. And folks who wanna check out Wichita’s homepage, it is the first thing that you’ll come to on their transfer page, which we are very proud of here at EAB. So Chad, outside of the transfer portal and the great work that you’re doing there, I think the number one question that Kate and I get when we are out there talking with schools, is where are the transfer students? If you were, again, starting from scratch rebuilding this program, where would you start to try to identify students for the top of the funnel? ’cause I think that is one of the hardest things that a lot of our schools deal with. So some recommendations that you might have for folks out there as they’re trying to build a transfer pipeline.
0:21:07.8 CS: Sure. I really think you just start with your local community colleges. And we have what we call basically our big three feeder schools and our three feeder schools that we get the most transfer students of are definitely within a hundred miles of us. So they’re easy to get to in a day, easy to talk to, easy to get students to come visit us. So definitely I would definitely start with the local community colleges that you have. But also just appealing to those adult learners or anything else that have transfer hours just, I think the big thing is just make sure you’re transfer-friendly. I think that you know that you have 1, 2 or 3 or 4 people that are transfer-designated to help you out. ’cause I think that’s one thing that we have going for us.
0:21:47.8 CS: ’cause we have four good good transfer team players on our team and I think we’re really passionate about it. And I think that shows and I think that’s really super helpful for it. So if you can build a team, even if it’s just two people to start off with, just build a team, reach out to those community colleges, convince them and let them know, “Hey, we are really super transfer-friendly. We do… ” One of the things I do wanna make sure y’all know too is that not only do we go and recruit students, but we also recruit advisors in a way. So we will do work with community college advisors and say, “Hey, here’s what we have going on.” We’ll do luncheons with advisors. So we’ll set up a nice little lunch somewhere either in Wichita or we’ll go to them and cater in the lunch and we’ll bring academic advisors with us to tell them, “Hey, this is what’s going on in the College of health professions,” or, “This is what’s going on in the business school.”
0:22:38.7 CS: Just keep them updated on how we wanna work with them and then work with their students because it… It kinda starts with advisors really. ’cause if a student is in with their community college advisor and they say, “Hey, we’re looking at Wichita State.” The community college advisor say, “Hey, you know what? Guess what I learned at advisor luncheon last week? You can do this, this, and this.” And it makes it a lot easier. So really wanna make sure that we work with those advisors, make sure they know we’re transfer-friendly. And also, even though we’re only four people strong in our transfer team, we do ask a lot of our other recruiters and recruitment staff to know enough about transfers. ’cause with just four people, we can’t be everywhere all the time. So we do rely on a lot of our other recruiters, our high school recruiters, our central management staff to be able to talk transfer as well. So, as long as they’re in the know too, then they can help transfer students. Then that transfer student knows, “Hey, I have an admissions rep, a high school admissions rep that knows a lot about transfer, this is pretty cool too.” Just to know that, that your staff and your campus is very transfer-friendly and convenient for these folks. I hope that answered your question man. I got carried away a little bit.
0:23:46.4 MS: Yeah, no, that totally did. I think a couple of things that I would take away. Just to summarize a little bit, it’s like transfer’s hard so you have to be passionate about it. I think one of the things that Kate and I see a lot with our partners is because of staffing and resources limitations, is that they may disperse transfer recruitment throughout first time freshmen and counselors and that at times can work. But because of the number of questions that these transfer students… You’ve outlined so many different things that you all are doing to recruit them. You do need those centralized supports and those people who are willing to drive through the tough times when it comes to transfer. I think, something that Kate and I and our director, Allison always say when we’re doing these presentations at conferences nationally, it’s like, “Our transfer people wear all the hats, they do all the things.” And that’s the nature of our recruitment area. But if you can identify people on campus from faculty to those advisors you mentioned to folks in the registrar’s office, who are really passionate about this space, you can find those students and really drive enrollment.
0:24:55.6 CS: Yeah, absolutely. And I think it’s difficult if you don’t have some transfer-specific folks just because with all four-year schools, especially in the state of Kansas, you have different criteria, you have different admissions requirements for those first-time students, for transfer students, for adult students, and keeping all in line and all in order, it can be difficult at sometimes.
0:25:16.5 KM: Well with that, as Matt just mentioned, that transfer staff and as you know Chad, we have to wear a lot of different hats in the transfer world. But I wanna circle back to the beginning of the call when we mentioned that this week is National Transfer student Week. So I wanna take a moment, and just say thank you to Chad, to you, and to your staff and to all those advisors that you just mentioned that really help support transfer students. What National Transfer Student Week is, is it’s an initiative that’s set out by The National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students, which is called NISTS, if you are familiar with that terminology. But they really put initiative out there just to spend a week to celebrate not only transfer students but all the professionals who support them. So again, Chad, we wanted to say thank you to you all, but we also wanna hear a little bit about what Wichita State’s doing to celebrate their staff and transfer students.
0:26:09.4 CS: Sure, sure. That’s a great question Kate. So we really look forward to National Transfer Student Week every year. We always try to plan to do something fun. So every year we, our undergraduate admission staff, we do something separate and then we have that transfer student working group that I mentioned earlier. We do something together for our current transfer students. So with admission staff we go get cookies. We get as many cookies as we can get our hands on and we go and deliver to all the community colleges within our area. We take cookies to the advisors, to the faculty, to the staff. We just wanna make sure that they know how important they are to us, and say, “Hey, here’s some nice delicious Wichita State cookies here, have a treat on us. Thank you for what you do.”
0:26:49.7 CS: The transfer team, we create a little card, we all sign it. Thank all the advisors for everything they do for us. So we hit our feeder schools for sure, and then if we happen to be out recruiting next week, we take cookies to them. So one of our staff is going to Oklahoma next week to our transfer fair. So she’s gonna take cookies to the Oklahoma City Community College crew down there and just say, “Thank you for what you do for your students,” and, “Hey, if you need us, you got us,” kind of deal. As far as a transfer student working group on campus, we have a couple of fun events for our current students on campus. We are gonna have some social hours next week where we’re gonna do… Unfortunately it’s their fall break, so we only have half the week to do something with our students.
0:27:32.1 CS: But we have a nice little setup that we’re gonna do what we call a t-shirt swap, which is something I’ve never been a part of. So they can bring in a t-shirt from their previous school. So it’d be a community college, four-year school. We’re gonna swap it out for a brand new Wichita State shirt. And then we’re gonna take what we get and of course donate it to folks either on campus that need it or to our local clothing distributors here in Wichita. So it’s a nice little charity run, but it’s also fun for our current transfer students to get a new WSU swag if they want to. And we’ll take their t-shirts no matter what shape it is in. You got a previous t-shirt we’re gonna swap with you. But we’re also gonna have snacks and food in our student center for our transfer students and just let them know, “Hey, we still… You’re here.
0:28:17.4 CS: We got you here. It’s great. But we still appreciate you and still appreciate you being part of Wichita State.” We’re also gonna do some transfer student takeovers on social media. So we’ll have that, we’ll have a couple. So student involvement’s gonna do some, us in admissions are gonna do some, so we’re gonna have one of our… We have what we call transfer guides in our office, which are our student transfer assistants. And they’re gonna take over our Instagram account for us and just do a day in the life of what a transfer student is like here on campus and just be on Instagram, share with the world what they’re doing, what it’s like to be a transfer student. And then our student involvement folks are gonna have a couple of students that are transfer students do that as well. So, which will be fun. So if you guys are out and you’re bored and you didn’t look at Instagram Wichita State come check us out next week. ’cause we’ll have a couple of takeovers going on with our transfer students.
0:29:09.9 KM: I love all those ideas Chad, you are making me hungry with all the free food and the free cookies. Who doesn’t love a delicious free cookie?
0:29:16.5 CS: Right. And free food is big for these college students. It’s great.
0:29:20.4 KM: Yeah, if it’s free it’s me. That’s always my motto. But thank you so much for sharing and joining us today. But before we wrap up, the last question I have for you is I just wanna end with asking you what advice do you have for those who are working with transfer students? Can you just end with a little bit of a note for them?
0:29:37.9 CS: Sure, sure. So I have worked with transfer students for a long time and like I mentioned before, been in that community colleges level. I think just addressing their needs is the big one. Just let them know that you’re here, you’re passionate about them. Our role as institutions is get those numbers up, get that high enrollment, to get that headcount. But really just to show that you care about them is the big thing. And that we talk about within my team. There’s opportunities that if a transfer student wants to come to us, but we don’t offer their program, why would you come to us? So we would suggest, “Hey, we don’t have it, but this school has it, go check it out.”
0:30:21.0 CS: So we want that message to come across as we care about you as a student, not necessarily as a number. And I think that’s a big advice and big thing that a lot of colleges should look at. And the most of the colleges that I work with and have been a part of and the four-year schools that I have partnered with, they’re all like this in the state of Kansas. But really just show that you care about these students. You’ll do what you can to get them in the door, within policy, and then just work with them and their needs and help them in any way possible.
0:30:52.9 KM: Thanks Chad. And again, thank you so much for all the work you do for transfer students and thanks for being on today. It was great having you. And Matt thank you as well. It’s been fantastic chatting with you both today and we really appreciate all your insight.
0:31:06.1 CS: Yeah, thank you guys very much. I appreciate the offer. And one last plug for those that are listening, if you can get the portal, get that transfer portal going up and kicking. So, but yes, thank you guys for this opportunity. It’s been an honor to be a part of this.
0:31:24.6 S1: Thank you for listening. Please join us next week when our guests share findings from a new survey that uncovers the preferences and college search behaviors of current and prospective adult learners. Until next week, thank you for your time.
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