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Research Report

Academic Affairs Organizational Benchmarking Survey Findings

Key findings from the 2021 survey of college and university chief academic officers

In response to growing interest among provosts in norms and emerging trends associated with academic affairs units—perhaps accelerated by the financial strain brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on higher education revenues—EAB launched a survey in 2021 to provide much-needed insight into the size, scope, and processes in place at colleges and universities across North America. The survey asked respondents to describe the following:

  • The number of direct reports to the provost, including both academic deans and administrators overseeing units such as undergraduate education, libraries, IT, and international programs
  • Functions reporting directly to the provost and desired changes to the functional portfolio (what should and shouldn’t report to you?)
  • Meeting and check-in periodicity with reports—both collectively and individually
  • Desired changes to the academic affairs office and/or organization of academic units

Our brief shares key findings from the survey, including the typical size and scope of academic affairs offices, common signs of organizational strain within administrative units, considerations for rethinking office structures, and more.

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