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Research Report

Flexible High School Scheduling Models

Flexible high school scheduling models can help students develop time management and personal organization skills that benefit them after graduation.

Flexible high school scheduling models can help students develop time management and personal organization skills that benefit them after graduation. In the ‘flex-mod’ version of scheduling, the class period varies from course to course, and students can use unstructured time (‘off-mod’ time) to receive personalized academic support, pursue extracurricular opportunities, or complete homework assignments. Some districts even designed their buildings for flex-mod scheduling, so students can use all types of flexible space throughout the day for large group lectures, small group discussions, and individual work.

Structure of flexible schedules

Flex-mod scheduling divides the school day into a large number of short ‘mods,’ as opposed to fewer, long class periods (e.g., 21 20- minute mods instead of eight 45-minute periods). In the flex-mod model, students typically do not meet with every class every day. Instead, teachers schedule a combination of large group lectures, small group discussions, and time for independent work over the course of the week. In this way, this model mimics the collegiate academic environment, where students meet with instructors less frequently and engage in more self-directed learning.

Support for flexible schedules

Administrators report that students often use off-mod time to access academic support services, such as school-provided tutors or one-on-one meetings with teachers. But they also recognize some students need additional guidance to ensure that they use this time effectively. Regular grade checks for both students and teachers can support responsible use of off-mod time.

To encourage teacher buy-in, administrators provided support programs. They provided opportunities for teachers to visit other schools with similar schedule models to increase support for new schedule models at their own schools, in addition to the programs below.

Ongoing coaching Phased implementation…

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