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Research Report

Fundraising for Student Success

This report examines priority areas, campaign strategies, and related to fundraising for student scholarships and programs.

Summary As the cost of tuition rises across all types of institutions, fundraising for student success initiatives remains at the forefront of university advancement. This report examines priority areas, campaign strategies, and related to fundraising for student scholarships and programs. Key observations from our research: 1. Development directors adopt a broad definition of “student success” in relation to fundraising. 2. In addition to academic scholarships, include priorities such as service learning, internships, undergraduate research, study aboard, leadership development, and financial aid for housing and living expenses in fundraising campaigns for student success. 3. Large comprehensive capital campaigns are not necessarily more effective in terms of funds raised for student success, but they do allow for more widespread campus involvement. 4. Replacing the term “campaign” with “initiative” in marketing materials and outreach may increase participation. 5. Contacts recommend contacting young alumni as a target group in student success fundraising initiatives. DOWNLOAD THE REPORT

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