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Capital Renewal Funding Playbook

This playbook details 10 executive-level lessons for successful capital renewal funding in higher education, as well as 100 creative tactics for institutions seeking realistic funding opportunities.

The deferred maintenance backlog is a huge (and growing) problem almost all campuses face. Capital renewal funding to address deferred maintenance is often inadequate, as other institutional priorities compete for increasingly limited resources. Given the magnitude and pervasiveness of this issue, institutions are searching for new ways to obtain more dollars for renewal.

While there are no silver bullets for tackling a large backlog, Facilities leaders can learn from colleges and universities that have used creative tactics to successfully fund capital renewal projects.

This playbook details 10 executive-level lessons for successful capital renewal funding in higher education, as well as 100 creative tactics for institutions seeking realistic funding opportunities.

Strategies to get started

Together, these ideas represent the full menu of options for colleges and universities looking to diversify capital renewal funding, enabling institutions to find 10 to 12 applicable tactics that combine to have a meaningful impact.

Tactic evaluation and comparison

Each capital renewal funding strategy is presented along with detailed implementation guidance and case studies of successful execution. Readers can use this list to identify tactics that have worked well for institutions with similar demographic profiles. Furthermore, each tactic is evaluated on two metrics: maintenance funding potential and prevalence. Maintenance funding potential gauges the relative ability of each tactic to generate funds to support capital renewal. Prevalence measures how commonly institutions use each tactic to directly fund capital renewal. Read more.

Lessons in funding capital renewal

This section provides an overview of recurring funding sources and outside funding sources, as well as strategies to partner with advancement offices. The ten executive-level lessons are based on EAB’s analysis of diverse capital renewal funding strategies across higher education.  Facilities leaders can review these lessons to gain a macro-level understanding of which tactics might best support renewal projects at their institution. Read more.

Detailed capital renewal funding strategies

This section is a compendium of 100 successful capital renewal funding strategies, providing a wide array of funding opportunities. Each capital renewal funding strategy is presented along with detailed implementation guidance and case studies of successful execution. In addition, each tactic is evaluated on its ability to generate funds and the prevalence of the tactic among other institutions. Tactics are organized into 11 distinct subsections:

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