The Rapid Response Team Frameworks serve as helpful checklists to guide stakeholders to make key decisions about independent school reopening. Each framework focuses on a separate topic for reopening, including:
Choosing Reopening Schedule FormatEnforcing Health and Safety MeasuresFinding Roles for Medically Vulnerable TeachersImplementing Fall Retention EffortsDesigning a Crisis Relief FundBy reviewing these frameworks in cross-functional teams, schools can make sure that they have considered all of the critical decisions necessary for reopening campus to students amid the pandemic.
Choosing reopening schedule formatTeam Charter
Choose optimal independent school reopening schedule balancing health, academic, enrollment, and practical family considerations (e.g. childcare). Create modified daily and weekly course schedules to accommodate smaller class sizes and time-consuming screening and hygiene policy.
Suggested Cross-Functional Team Members
Head of School, Assistant Head of School, CFO, Head of HR, Director of Enrollment and Financial Aid, Division Heads, Department Chairs, Head of Health/Wellness/Counseling, Athletic Director, Board Chair
Key Decisions
This is not an exhaustive list of questions Rapid Response teams must answer, but it does include fundamental decisions that are important, time sensitive, and require local analysis of capabilities and culture. Don’t let the 1,001 other questions that will arise distract from getting consensus on these issues.
Designate a monitor for state public health guideline metrics for transitioning between reopening stages, and update leadership weeklyCalculate safe building capacity (students + teachers + staff) under preferred social distancing guidelines (e.g. using the Rosner Model)Identify indoor and outdoor spaces that can…