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Building Trust with Latinx Students

A Conversation with College Greenlight Counselors

With college enrollment declining across the board, a greater number of schools are focusing their attention on growing student populations—including Latinx students. EAB’s recent roundtable gave undergraduate enrollment leaders the chance to learn more about this student population and how to better serve them through the college admissions process.

50% of America’s Latinx college students enroll in HSIs despite HSIs making up only 18% of all colleges and universities.

In the videos below, you’ll hear from college access and high school counselors on how schools will need to evolve to successfully serve and attract Latinx students and their families. As an added bonus, we’ve included four impactful lessons from one partners’ journey to diversify their enrollments.

Jump to videos:

  • Question 1: What enrollment trends are we seeing with Latinx students?
  • Question 2: Who are the panelists?
  • Question 3: What are some of the unique considerations and challenges that Latinx students and their parents face when deciding to apply for college?
  • Question 4: Which interactions with colleges are most influential on students’ decisions on where to apply, and ultimately, where to enroll?
  • Question 5: How can institutions better collaborate with college access programs to support Latinx students?
  • Question 6: What is one initiative you wish college partners would establish for students and families?
  • BONUS: University of St. Francis Shares Lessons Learned in Growing Their Latinx Population

1. What enrollment trends are we seeing with Latinx students?

2. Who are the panelists?

3. What are some of the unique considerations and challenges that Latinx students and their parents face when deciding to apply for college?

4. Which interactions with colleges are most influential on students’ decisions on where to apply, and ultimately, where to enroll?

5. How can institutions better collaborate with college access programs to support Latinx students?

6. What is one initiative you wish college partners would establish for students and families?

BONUS: University of St. Francis Shares Lessons Learned in Growing Their Latinx Population

Presented by Eric Wignall, VP for Admissions, Athletics, Enrollment Services & Marketing, University of St. Francis

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