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Maximizing Fundraiser Efficiency: On-Demand Webinar Series

There are several barriers to fundraiser efficiency in higher ed advancement offices. Gift officers often reinvent the wheel on strategy for every donor, which leads to extra work. Fundraisers also lack clear and immediate goals and get requests across campus that reduce their valuable fundraising time.

Our three-part on-demand webinar series explores how chief advancement officers can address these pain points and increase the overall efficiency of their fundraising team.

Part 1: Develop Donor Strategy at Scale

Continuously reinventing the wheel on strategy for each donor can lead to uninteresting cultivation steps that require customized one-time-use collateral. This webinar presents best-practice strategies on developing a donor strategy at scale in order to meet donor demands without excessive customization.

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Part 2: Enhance Intermediate Goal Accountability

Managers are responsible for helping gift officers reach their metric goals, yet sometimes they don’t see the red flags in their workflow that prevent gift officers from doing their jobs efficiently. This webinar identifies best practices for leveraging data analysis to identify work-flow pain points and enable managers to keep gift officer’s on track.

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Part 3: Realign Time Investments

Major gift officers are increasingly asked to help with non-fundraising activities that aren’t related to the job they were hired to do. This webinar explores best-practices for realigning time investments to combat non-fundraising activity creep and shift the focus back to frontline fundraising.

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