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Partner Service

Facilities Dashboard and Scorecard Review

Identify and present the right KPIs for your institution
Research Report

4 key components of a strong DEI plan

We reviewed over 40 DEI plans across the U.S., Canada, Australia, and the U.K. to better understand how campuses are demonstrating real work and commitment to DEI. EAB identified four…
Strategic Advisory Services

Serving the Students of the Pandemic

Attendees will gain critical insight into how the pandemic has affected current and future student populations as well as best practice recommendations.

How Promoting Institutional Values Strengthens Campus Climate

Statements that isolate university free speech values may disharmonize students who question if the institution values diversity and inclusion to the same extent as free speech. To promote a holistic…
Partner Service

Campus Sustainability Plan Review

Participate in EAB’s Sustainability Plan Review to explore your plan’s strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Embrace your blind spots: Making independent school fundraising events more inclusive

In acknowledging where their ‘view is obstructed’, advancement teams can then start to take bold new steps to craft events that are mission-aligned and inclusive for all

Serving the Students of the Pandemic

Attendees will gain critical insight into how the pandemic has affected current and future student populations as well as best practice recommendations.

Coronavirus Outbreak’s Impacts on Canadian Employer Demand

Explore EAB's analyses of Canadian regional market data in your portfolio planning conversations, as well as the recommended questions for discussion.

3 lessons from fall 2020 and what they mean for future community college enrollments

Many community college leaders’ worst enrollment fears were realized this Fall, as the sector experienced widespread declines. EAB addressed this and more in a series of working groups with over…
Resource Center

IT Vendor Assessment Resource Center

Explore industry best questions and templates to collect information for complete and accurate vendor product assessment.
IT Strategy Advisory Services