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Research Report

Narrowing the Third-Grade Reading Gap Research Brief

Explore our findings on the present challenges with reading instruction and demonstrated ways to improve reading outcomes.
District Leadership Forum

Universal behavioral screening is proven effective. Here’s why you should implement it now.

The most effective way to address the rising demand for support services is through better preventive efforts but identifying the right students at the right time is often difficult.
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Boosting the Quality of Career Advice and Post-Secondary Decision-Making

In this webconference, we show members best practices in the area of supporting high school students in understanding and making well-informed post-secondary decisions.

Integrating Academic and Career Development Webconference Series

This webconference series will present our 2017-2018 research on providing career development opportunities. for all students. Key topics will include: Strategies for Integrating and Scaling Early Career Exposure and ReflectionBoosting…
Research Report

Year-Round Calendars

This research brief explores the implementation and operation of year-round calendars at four school districts.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Social-Emotional Support Services for Secondary Students

Incorporate social-emotional support services for secondary students into school culture to provide academic and social support for secondary students.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Recruiting and Retaining Classified Staff

This report provides practices to increase recruitment and improve retention of classified employees at school districts.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Non-Immersive Elementary World Language Programs

This report provides an overview of non-immersive elementary world language program models at several public school districts and considerations for creating and implementing an elementary world language program.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Standards-Based Learning at Middle Schools

This brief explores how district administrators implement standards-based learning and grading at the middle school level.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

School Safety Communications

This resource offers guidance and templates to support district efforts to effectively answer school safety questions.
District Leadership Forum