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How to find the growth drivers in your graduate and adult education portfolio

Learn how to identify which academic programs in your portfolio have the greatest potential for growth.
Adult Education Blog

The top five undergraduate programs to launch online

Our researchers took a look at which bachelor’s degree programs have the highest potential for growth. Here’s what we learned.
Adult Education Blog
Research Report

Realign Gift Officer Metrics in the COVID-19 Era

In the midst of COVID-19, college and university advancement leaders are wondering how to set reasonable fundraising goals and which metrics to track to help them get there. Read this…
Advancement Advisory Services
Research Report

It’s time to ask tough questions about college and university athletic programs

Absent an effective strategy to review and realign the athletics portfolio, institutions risk the depletion of their financial and reputational resources, which is being accelerated due to the impact of…
Strategic Advisory Services
Insight Paper

Recruiting Online International Students

This resource provides strategies for attracting online international students, marketing programs internationally, and finding locations for international student recruitment.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services
Resource Center

Adult Degree Completer Recruitment Resource Center

Access insights on the adult degree completer mindset, recruitment strategies, and research into the size of the adult degree completer market.
Adult Learner Recruitment
Research Report

Optimize Financial Aid to Shape Your Independent School’s Student Body

Most independent schools do not fully utilize financial aid as a lever to help shape their classes. This brief outlines how independent K-12 schools can employ aid as a tool…
Independent School Executive Forum

Charting a Course through COVID-19 for Advancement Leaders

The arrival of COVID-19 turned everything we thought we knew about advancement on its head in the blink of an eye. This webinar provides guidance on mitigating the impact of…
Resource Center

Leverage Financial Aid to Advance Your Independent School’s Mission

In 2020 many independent schools are reexamining their approach to financial aid, largely driven by both the COVID-19 pandemic and the nation’s reckoning with racial justice. EAB has identified two…
Independent School Executive Forum

Serving the Students of the Pandemic

Attendees will gain critical insight into how the pandemic has affected current and future student populations as well as best practice recommendations.