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Research Report

Understanding and Recruiting Adult Degree Completers

This report explores three key findings from a survey of 1,000+ prospective adult students and offers specific marketing, recruitment, and program design strategies to enroll and serve adult degree completers.
Adult Learner Recruitment

Can Campuses Safely Reopen This Fall?

EAB’s Kaitlyn Maloney and Ann Forman Lippens discuss how university leaders are handling facilities planning efforts in preparation for a return to campus this fall.

Increase principal capacity by expanding teacher leadership: Lessons from Denver Public Schools

The principal role has become increasingly demanding in recent years, but with the outbreak of COVID-19, the job has only grown in complexity and difficulty. Some districts have successfully embraced…
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Blake Hesson

Blake Hesson is a Senior Business Analyst at EAB. Since joining EAB in 2020, Blake has spent their time on the Market Insights team conducting research to identify the best…

Senior Business Analyst

9 ways recruitment marketing can help address families' growing college cost concerns

Learn how the pandemic increased price sensitivity among college-bound students, what this means for your enrollment outcomes, and nine ways to address families’ growing concern over cost.
Enrollment Blog
Resource Center

Digital Transformation in Higher Education

Make sure you and your colleagues are on the same page when it comes to digital transformation, and access resources for eight core capabilities that are essential for digital transformation…
IT Strategy Advisory Services
Research Report

Conduct an activity assessment to determine shared services staffing needs

When transitioning to shared services, failing to deliver on customer service expectations can reinforce stakeholder skepticism about the model’s effectiveness.
Research Report

Project Prioritization Frameworks that Work

This executive brief—written for CIOs, project management directors, and IT governance participants—profiles tactics that make IT project prioritization decisions faster, fairer, and better aligned to institutional strategic needs.
IT Strategy Advisory Services
Research Report

Mastering the IT Project Pipeline

This executive brief—written for CIOs, project management directors, and IT governance participants—details strategies to improve project management’s ability to gain control over chaotic project backlogs, develop a standardized project request…
IT Strategy Advisory Services