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Assessing Optional and Non-Essential Academic Expenditures Pt. II

We discuss analyses to help institutions assess optional and non-essential academic expenditures, with a focus on optimizing units' mix of instructors and workloads in response to changing student demand.
Academic Performance Solutions

The demographic cliff is already here—and it’s about to get worse

With dire predictions for fall freshmen enrollments making headlines, colleges and universities are bracing for the financial shock to come. While many are hopeful that even a partial reopening of…
Enrollment Blog

Coronavirus Outbreak’s Impacts on U.S. Employer Demand

While the total impact on our economy will take months to unfold, EAB is providing initial analyses of regional labor market data to inform program planning conversations.​ Consider this early…

CBOs are struggling to make revenue assumptions for FY21. Here’s what we learned from a group of them.

Universities are struggling to create and adapt budgets for the upcoming fiscal year because of the uncertainty caused by COVID-19. Read the key takeaways from our conversations with CBOs on…

Navigating the Participation-Pipeline Tradeoff

EAB shows how advancement leaders are balancing annual giving trade-offs they face and deciding what to deprioritize to increase their team's effectiveness. This is part of Competing in Advancement’s Era…

How to hardwire new research facilities to enable collaboration

Discover 15 forward-looking design and management principles to help leaders hardwire new research buildings to spur researcher interactions and support collaborative projects in this infographic.
Strategic Advisory Services
Insight Paper

Analytics and Business Intelligence Functions in Higher Education

In recent years, many institutions have begun to improve and expand their analytics and business intelligence (BI) functions. This resource will help institutions structure and communicate business intelligence and analytics…
Professional and Academic Services Forum

Results of the IT Project Management Functional Collaborative: Midpoint Webconference

This webconference highlights the top 10 project management challenges, provides some IT Forum project management tactics, and summarizes the next steps in the IT project management functional collaborative.

Serving English Language Learners Through Distance Learning

Join us to learn ideas for your own English Language Learner strategy as schools shift to distance learning.

IT Project Prioritization Scorecard Template

Unless project portfolios created before the COVID-19 crisis emerged are re-prioritized, colleges and universities will misdirect resources and may weaken their COVID-19 response. Our scorecard template helps colleges and universities…
IT Strategy Advisory Services